cant curb sugar addiction! I need help ruining my life!! lol



  • mollysmomma81709
    mollysmomma81709 Posts: 30 Member
    All of this obsession with sugar just makes me want a cookie ;)

    My point of view - if you do not have diabetes or a glucose problem, you should be able to have sugar as part of a balanced diet. NO FOOD should be prohibited, if this is a life-long journey.

    Balace and moderation in all's the key to a joyful life, in my opinion. For those of you who think of sugar as a 'drug'.....well, I disagree. There is no "bad" food...........

    amen sister!!
  • floweringcurrant
    floweringcurrant Posts: 112 Member
    I completely have an addictive personality towards processed sugar, I know some people don't, but for a lot of people they do.
    For me, I completely cut processed sugar out of my diet. I still occasionally eat something with white sugar/flour in it, but it is not a regular part of my diet. Instead, I get my sugar from unprocessed raw honey and fruit. Neither of those foods have addictive qualities for me, so I am able to control eating them. I also eat lots of dark green vegetables, like spinach, kale and broccoli. I think the more you eat healthy, whole foods, the less your body craves processed sugars - just my experience. I think it is really about what works for your body, though. A lot of people say moderation is key, I agree. Moderation is great! But only if you can actually moderate... I know for myself it is harder to moderate with sugar then it's worth, so for me, it's out.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Sugar is a natural addiction, it's quick fuel for your body. You might need to think about why your body is craving this fuel (other than the fact that it tastes good!) Are you getting enough good carbs for your body to use as fuel? Are you getting enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients for your body to convert those carbs to fuel? Are you drinking enough water to help your organs function properly? Are you getting enough rest? All these factors can make you feel run down and tired, making your body crave sugar as a quick pick-me-up.

    Instead of cookies and candy, reach for natural sugar like fruit (or chocolate covered fruit). If you still don't feel satisfied, look into other factors. Once you get out of the habit of processed sugar, natural sugar will be enough to satisfy you and most likely you won't crave it so much after a little while. Good luck!
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    If sugar is your trigger food, then it's best to cut it off cold turkey.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    All of this obsession with sugar just makes me want a cookie ;)

    My point of view - if you do not have diabetes or a glucose problem, you should be able to have sugar as part of a balanced diet. NO FOOD should be prohibited, if this is a life-long journey.

    Balace and moderation in all's the key to a joyful life, in my opinion. For those of you who think of sugar as a 'drug'.....well, I disagree. There is no "bad" food...........

    For some people, there are indeed "bad" foods. As I posted earlier, if I have one bite of a sugary treat, I can't stop eating sugary stuff all day. It becomes an obsession and I literally can't think about anything else except MOAR CAKE. So I really can't just enjoy it in moderation. I believe in moderation for many things, but for me personally, sugar isn't one of them. If you can have just one piece of candy or whatever, then that's awesome for you! But for a lot of people, it just doesn't work that way.
  • Jessklatt
    All of this obsession with sugar just makes me want a cookie ;)

    My point of view - if you do not have diabetes or a glucose problem, you should be able to have sugar as part of a balanced diet. NO FOOD should be prohibited, if this is a life-long journey.

    Balace and moderation in all's the key to a joyful life, in my opinion. For those of you who think of sugar as a 'drug'.....well, I disagree. There is no "bad" food...........

    amen sister!!

    Unfortunately this is why people fail on lifestyle changes...there are many "bad" foods. Things we weren't intended to eat, and overly processed junk that not only makes us FAT but also makes us SICK. I don't mean to be harsh...but until you educate yourself on will be an excuse to fail. Sorry.