Advice on how to help my mom lose weight?



  • erdfan
    erdfan Posts: 1
    That's a good goal you have. Well I would suggest you use this sight for's wonderful low calorie dieting is great and also low carb but every body is different. There are so many things to help and use out there personally I would suggest cutting out any drinks other than water first....replace with something good every now and then when you really need flavor or bubbles. Then walk together for starters, and build from there. You can diet all you want and you will loose some weight but unless you are active and get some cardio it will all be for naught. Dancing, zumba, water aerobics, walking , elliptical are all wonderful ways to burn fast calories.
    Next I suggest a metabolism support, I own my own health and wellness company and we have a great product, that really does work and is good for you. We also carry a 7 day body cleanse, that works miracles and it very gentle and not nasty you drink in water. We have an energy fitness drink you put in water and it is my absolute favorite thing on earth it's how I gave up soda and redbulls. I will post my website on here....but I'm only mentioning these products because they worked for me and so many others...we have testimony after testimony on the body cleanse and fizz sticks changing peoples lives!
    So good luck it's not easy, but take one step at a time and be consistent. 70% of being successful is just showing up!
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