Have you ever dealt with a hoarder?

Have you dealt with a hoarder in your family? My boyfriends mom is one. A couple of years ago we
were packing up to move out of state when she said she needed help. We spent every minute
over there helping her to clean and to our shock, get the utilities working again.
I moved my stuff into storage and we moved into my boyfriends small apt. By the
time we got her where she could walk through her house, it was a month later.
Anyway, long story short, she took all the garbage bags back inside and the house is now
back to the way it was when we started. We never moved. This is 3 yrs later.
Has anyone else dealt with the craziness of a hoarder?


  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I don't know that my husband technically qualifies as a hoarder but he is definitely a pack rat. I've got OCD (can you say opposites attract) so I just go through his stuff while he's at work. The Goodwill and Value Village love him. He's lucky I do too or he may have been out the door a while ago :laugh:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    My 'x' is a hoarder..................he lives in squalor, and it was horrific to try to keep up with his daily "bringing stuff in." I found it depressing and unbearable to live in this type of atmosphere, and it's now a joy to have my little apartment. I'm not a total neat-freak, but his hoarding was really awful to live with.

    When I left the house, I took very little with me. And when we divorced, I only went back in once, to get those things that really meant something to me. I can't imagine how awful it is now that I'm not there...................uggggh.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Yup, her name is MOM and I've moved out so I dont have to deal with it anymore! She's a buyer, she can't just buy ONE thing of anything, she's got to buy like 5. =/
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    Lol i'm a hoarder but I can't help it I inherited it from my mam. My poor boyfriend goes nuts with me..