
Trying to get ideas to help keep me motivated. What do you use?


  • re08scue
    re08scue Posts: 71 Member
    The mirror
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    my size 8 clothes. i'd like to get in them and stay in them.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    My desire to be healthier!
  • sailorsiren13
    my pictures skinny and fat and a ton of clothes that i can't wear that i love.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I think its important to have lots of motivators and goals. If ya just have 1 its easy to excuse it away or lose the motivation. But if you are working towards several then when your mind is being lazy about one goal/motivator you can focus on another.

    my Motivators:

    -Cancun vacation in June
    -Improving my 5k and 10k run times. and training for half marathon
    -Getting down to size 32 pants (currently in 34-36)
    -Qualifying for super preferred life insurance premium rate (save me some $$$)
    -Getting stronger and having a beach body for once in my life
    -overall health and lifestyle betterment for my spouse and I
    1.) pictures
    2.) quotes
    3.) bikini wearing summer trips (i have a planned vegas trip in 2 months!! :)
  • SIimMama
    SIimMama Posts: 131 Member
    Why don't you make yourself some mini drinking 8 glasses of water everyday for a week, Exercising a certain amount of time or calories this week, Your first 5lbs, or building up to running a mile, or lifting a certain amount of weight. For every goal you meet you can assign rewards like a new book, or new shirt, a manicure, or pedicure, an new workout dvd, or a trip to the mall. anything that you would enjoy that you can look forward to after meeting your goals.

    I actually spent the entire month of December praying that the Lord would change my heart and attitude about diet and exercise. That was before I started trying anything, except an occasional zumba class. God has answered my prayers. I'm not saying that it is always easy or that I will never have bad days, but my attitude is different! Much more positive and healthy. I pray it stays that way or at least when I fall, I get right back up!!
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Having a Gym Buddy and this website were the best motivators for me! When you have a set time to meet someone at the gym, you go even when you don't feel like it and once you get there, you kick *kitten*. MFP is motivating because with friends constantly checking your diary, they will keep you on track and help steer you back to reality when you get off track a little :)

    One person in particular on MFP inspired me. Her starting size was similar to mine and her afters were amazing! I never thought anyone over 200lbs could get down to 120lbs! I though it was impossible and that we were all just big boned. Seeing it was possible, motivated me to get there myself :)
  • NikkiPsuedoDupuis
    NikkiPsuedoDupuis Posts: 56 Member
    I don't know if it's a motivator or not, but the best advice I've gotten was: "It took you two years to gain the weight, why do you think it'll take two weeks to lose it?" I get really discouraged with the slow progress, so I have to remind myself of that statement daily, it helps a lot.
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    My MFP pals keep me motivated everyday. BUT I also keep a folder w/ my old pictures from being 255 pounds! I WILL never and I mean NEVER go back to that.
  • clairer2282
    I share everything publicly on Facebook etc so that if i'm lazy one day I get people to give me a virtual kick and if I put on weight or stop losing everyone will know, likewise if i'm having a good day i'll tell everyone and they'll cheer me on, it's good being held accountable and also knowing people are behind you cheering you on because they care!
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I have lost my motivation a lot in the past, and am determined to stay on track this time.

    I look at myself in the mirror everyday and imagine the changes that will occur if I stick with the diet and exercise.
    I am taking a trip to Mexico in March and want to look good
    I want to look good for this summer
    I want to look good for and to impress my boyfriend
    I try to look forward to exercising everyday because I know that if I do I will get the results I want.

    I have been creating mini goals, this week I am trying to drink more water, and make it through my entire workout without stopping.

    Mini goals are very helpful, but the long term goal of being healthy and thin is really what keeps me motivated. You really have to want it to achieve it!

    You can do this!
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    I go to the success stories with pictures.....if they can do it SO CAN I!
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    I def use the mirror. Right now my belly is even with my bewbies....NOT COOL WITH ME!!! The mirror don't lie.
  • dmltall17
    Staying focused on keeping my food diary and keeping up with the exercise!
  • Cathy000
    Cathy000 Posts: 14 Member
    My daughters wedding June 9th.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I make weekly goals for myself EVERY week. That way, I have small things to focus on for short amounts of time. I never focus on my long term ideal weight as a whole, just the tiny goals from here to there.
  • ShellyKratt
    ShellyKratt Posts: 5 Member
    This is good I like this. My goal is to try to eat healthy and exercise at least 5 days a week to see how I look and feel after a year of change.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    - The mirror
    -the scales
    -the thought of those pictures of me on holiday last year and the year before that I made my boyfriend delete
    - the thought of the new clothes I will buy eventually
    - I want to be able to one day wear a bikini

  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    1-all my friends on this forum.
    2- my 50th birthday in July.
    3- I for the first time bought a size smaller jacket since I liked the color and that motivates me everyday to lose weight so I can fit in it.