Biggest Loser

Now, I just watched this programme for the first time, and quite frankly, I thought it the most ridiculous, demotivating pile of pretentious judgemental crap I have ever watched.

Lets make weight loss a competition, and make people who lost 4lbs in one week still fell utterly **** about themselves, oh and when they've had a bad week and have struggled and have been reduced to tears because they've only lost 4lbs let send them packing off home, where they can feel utterly poop about being kicked off a horrific show, and have been paraded like monkeys in the zoo for being the horrible fatties they are.

Quite frankly, I am horrified people watch this. If someone was to have a go at me for working my *kitten* off and losing 4lbs in a week they would get a sharp smack in the face.

Is society really so disgusting that when people reach out for help, want to change themselves and there lifestyle, that we respond by throwing them onto a programme to be laughed at. Now not by me, I didn't laugh, but I have saw facebook statuses about the whales on the programme and calling people fatty fats.

I am fed up of being treated like a piece of **** because we are hefty than normal and want to loose weight.

I'm sorry this was a bit of a huge rant, but i needed to get it off my chest!!!

What are everyone else's opinion on this??