Hope For Those Concerned About Family Member Long

I am sorry that this will be long but I hope to give some of you some faith that your significant other or family member will come around. My DH and I have been married 28 years and he was a smoker before I met him well 2 years ago he finally woke up and realized that he needed to quit so he went on Chantix. I have been trying to get him to watch his diet and workout or go for walks with me but he said he got enough exercise at work well last summer he decided to buy a bike and we went for bike rides even took them on vacation with us. Well last month he went and got a yearly physical and found out he has prehypertension and his cholesterol was sky high the dr. said he would wait on medication if he would exercise at least 2 times a week and watch what he ate. I don't know what finally clicked but he now walks on the TM everday and does wt. work we even rearranged the house to make and exercise room. So for all of you frustrated just know that some day they will wake up and start taking care of themselves, I never thought that day would come and now I am very proud of him, even our daughters have caught the exercise bug.
