How to speed up your metabilism?

Most of the time you hear people say "eat more meals/ snacks throughout the day and it will speed up your metabolism". Well I dont think that's cutting it for me. What is something I can do or a supplement I can take to help speed it up? Thanks :)


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Great question... would love to hear thoughts and ideas on this!!
  • jsteffen80
    The best way to boost metabolism is to increase lean muscle mass. Best way to do that is to lift heavy weights.
  • gennybunny1
    I take a green tea vitamin and I eat spicy food. I heard that does it a bit. I have heard of others, but can't think of them at the moment....
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    You can add 2 Tablespoons of lemon juice (it has to be from a fresh lemon, squeezed) to 6 glasses of water ( I also add a packet of splenda) to COLD water. (don't add more lemon juice (2 TB to 6 glasses(cups) of water) it can hurt the enamel on your teeth if you do it stronger than this.

    The Lemon and the cold water both will speed your metabolism. If you livei n a cold climate, try to get outside as much as possible to exercise. You burn 2x the calories cause your body had to work just to keep your temp stable. (You will burn 2x the calories in the cold weather than in the hot weather). Add cayenne pepper to your diet when possible, capsacion in the pepper speeds metabolism.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    muscles. muscle inherently burns more calories in a state of rest (or any other state for that matter) than fat . . . so think of metabolism as directly linked to muscle and work on it.

    FYI, the frequency of food, number of meals a day, blah blah blah does nothing for metabolism. Foods (spices yadda yadda) are metabolism boosters, but you have to really eat it like crazy in such ridiculously copious amounts to make a difference.

    So . . . I come back to muscle. Find something heavy and pick things up and put them down.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I've heard cinnamon!
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    The best way to boost metabolism is to increase lean muscle mass. Best way to do that is to lift heavy weights.

    This is what I heard was the best too. My brother and I just talked about that at Christmas!! Not so sure how much a lady can lift, or how much one should, but weightlifting is the trick. Now I just need to try it!!

    Joyful in the Journey,
  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    Eat clean, drink loads of water and exercise regularly (including resistance and weight training). Once you start to build lean muscle your metabolism will work more efficiently and thus burn calories quicker
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Exercise is #1 from what I understand... then spacing your meals so you don't go too long without food, eating whole foods that are better for you, staying hydrated, rest, changing up your exercise routine so your muscles don't get used to it.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    The best way to boost metabolism is to increase lean muscle mass. Best way to do that is to lift heavy weights.

    This is what I heard was the best too. My brother and I just talked about that at Christmas!! Not so sure how much a lady can lift, or how much one should, but weightlifting is the trick. Now I just need to try it!!

    Joyful in the Journey,

    This lady lifts as much as she can! LOL. I love weight lifting. Never imagined I would, but it's by far my favorite thing now. Jillian Michaels is even taking a back seat to my workouts these days...
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    Drink a cup of green tea every morning. It is not only suppose to wake you up but aids faster metabolism. I eat every 4 hours. I can actually tell a difference.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Drink a cup of green tea every morning. It is not only suppose to wake you up but aids faster metabolism. I eat every 4 hours. I can actually tell a difference.

    I've been drinking green tea lately... for the cancer prevention benefits mostly, but maybe it's helping with the fat-burning & metabolism as well. Would be nice.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member

    Please do not fall for some common myths being propagated here...

    No specific food (lemon, cinnamon, green tea, etc) will affect your metabolism.

    Spacing your meals out has no bearing on your metabolism.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i eat six times a day but smaller meals .. drink alot of green tea ... for me i take L-carnitine before my workout but dont take it unless you research it and ask your doctor because i dont want to prescribe anything to anyone not knowing their health. i dont get side effects from it at all and if anything i run faster and lift harder from it . lifting weights and gaining muscle is a huge plus to increase your metabolism. above all fuel yourself.. a car cant run on an empty tank any more than a body can run without food

    i lost 80 lbs spacing my food and balancing out my day with it. so for me it worked. drink a ton of water too .. i drink a gallon a day at least . i put lemon and green tea in it .. honey and cinnamon are also in my diet. do some research on line on what to eat to increase your metabolism and you will find a ton of articles on it .
  • lalaberryhill
    Thanks everyone! Great tips :)
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    The best way to boost metabolism is to increase lean muscle mass. Best way to do that is to lift heavy weights.

    Don't forget to add in the cardio while u keep that new lean muscle in motion. That will activate the burning of those calories. It's also best to drink an ice cold glass of water before doing that cardio in the morning before eating breakfast. Your metabolism will be kicked up a notch and you will burn fat vs prior meal.:wink:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The best way to boost metabolism is to increase lean muscle mass. Best way to do that is to lift heavy weights.

    This is what I heard was the best too. My brother and I just talked about that at Christmas!! Not so sure how much a lady can lift, or how much one should, but weightlifting is the trick. Now I just need to try it!!

    Joyful in the Journey,

    This lady lifts as much as she can! LOL. I love weight lifting. Never imagined I would, but it's by far my favorite thing now. Jillian Michaels is even taking a back seat to my workouts these days...

    This, definitely this. New Rules of Lifting for Women baby, burn burn burn. You cannot build muscle mass like a body builder unless you're eating in a surplus, so pound that lead.
  • fusiongal
    fusiongal Posts: 23 Member
    Yes... eat more often in smaller portions. And eat the RIGHT things. Your metabolism is like a fire burning in the fireplace... you have to keep adding to it to keep it burning steady.... not too much, not too little :)

    And I'm gonna start back on this green tea thing again. I was drinking green tea before like it was going out of style - I didn't see too much of a difference.
    Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn't rev back up until you eat again. So if you bypass breakfast, your body won't burn as many calories until lunchtime as it could. That's why it's smart to start the day with a solid 300- to 400-calorie meal; it jump-starts your metabolism.

    Aim for a breakfast that has plenty of high-fiber carbs: people who ate the fatty meal got hungry sooner afterward. high-fiber carbohydrates take longer for your body to digest and absorb than fats; thus they don't cause rapid changes in your blood sugar, so your hunger is kept at bay Some good choices: a bran-rich breakfast cereal with low-fat milk; whole-grain toast topped with low-fat ricotta and sliced banana or berries; an egg-white veggie omelette with whole-grain toast
  • chicklidell
    I read an OP remarks saying heavy weights only not true, your food consumption/timing plays a significant role. With that being said exercise is absolutely vital in speeding up your body’s metabolism. it fuels our bodies, specifically good ‘ole heart pumping exercise. Swimming, brisk walking, circuit training, and weightlifting are great simple exercises to get your metabolism going. Exercise is the basic of basics to speed things up.

    Food playsan important a role as well, your body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fat and protein to start your day. You will want to limit your carbohydrates however, as these are what your body will burn through first. Your body’s cells will turn these carbohydrates into glucose for energy and will store the rest for a rainy day, so it’s not a good idea to eat them in excess. You just need enough. Once our bodies use up the glucose, they will turn to our fat stores for energy. The more fat we have, the more our bodies have to burn through. The less, the better. You get the idea. Now, lean protein is our body’s friend. It takes longer to break down, and is resourced once the carbohydrates and fats have been used up. So obviously we want to consume more lean protein than carbohydrates and fat. Protein brings up the tail, if you will. Make a habit of eating lightly 5-6 times a day, with breakfast being the headliner, and you’re off to a great start.