How to keep from being hungry?



  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Read this article, it talks about ways to make you feel fuller longer. The key is protein and fat early in the day.

    I did keto for the last six months and I found that almonds were a huge help for helping with cravings.
  • I do not know what 17 day diet is.
    In any event, I take warm green tea whenever I am hungry but do not wish to eat. It works like a charm, at least for a couple hours.
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Sometimes it's psychological. In the past, I would eat way MORE while "on a diet" because I felt deprived somehow and thought about food more than I normally would. I discovered that V8 (or any tomato-based veggie juice) seemed to turn off cravings, and so did black coffee (pretty much no calories). You can have decaf if you don't want all that caffeine. You could also just do 10 minutes of exercise to distract yourself and burn calories/gain tone at the same time. Or do something else to distract you, like an addictive video game or writing a letter to an old friend. Oh, and you could also start smoking. JUST KIDDING! Good luck. When those cravings hit me, I often just eat a TONNE and then it's back to square one. :(
  • i know exactley what you mean, i have had this issue now since about 5 i just don't feel full and feel like i have tried it all.
    water to each meal, chew slowley, little and often, restrictions on certain types off food.

    you have too look at what is keeping you hungry, i know soem peopel who eat a few light snacks and one main meal a day and it works for them sadley i will never be that way, sometime si would like to know what it is like.

    i had to teach myself what a proper prortion was and what was a satisfactory meal size, these days due to my work schedule and eating requirments i currentley have two very large main meals a day, but i am always perputally hungry.

    people have allready suggested lots that may help you, but it may also just have to be a feeling you get used to having if you do not find a soultion that works, if thats the case, make sure to balance what you eat with excerise and try to make sure your meals are well balanced.

    good luck with your goals.
  • starrisonmclennon
    starrisonmclennon Posts: 64 Member
    drink several cups of water at once, it'll make you feel a bit sick but it'll put you off eating
  • Ange0NZ
    Ange0NZ Posts: 45 Member
    Water, water and more water. Also make sure that you are getting plenty of protein and fibre (spread it out throughout the day, more at times when you know that your appetite is at it's highest).