Motivation to fight eating bc you're bored

Hey guys,
One of my biggest problems on why I keep gaining weight is because I am a house wife who is getting ready to move (so I can't get a job) and I have nothing to do the whole day. I do go out and run (but you can only do that for so long) and I do squats and push ups and such while I watch TV. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that I could do that would keep me from eating all the time when I get bored!!!!! Especially something that doesn't really cost money? and I can do it anytime of day (day/night).


  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Sometimes when I get cravings even though I'm not really hungry, I drink water as a replacement. Or sometimes munch on fruit.
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    If you can I would tack your goal weight or a reason why you are doing this onto your fridge or cupboard, where ever you head first to look for a snack. Or perhaps a terrible photo that you find makes you look really overweight, I find that helps me. Suddenly looking at my rolls I don't want to snack on anything anymore