Eating all wrong...



  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Just by looking at your diary I would cut out the processed foods, add more fruits and veggies.. granted it's more expensive but it will fill you up more. I can't eat processed foods.. the portions are way too small and I'm starving all day.

    Take a look at the calorie content in veggies.. for the portion size it's almost crazy what you get out of it.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Oh, and good luck :)
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I used to eat like this too and never could understand what I was doing wrong. You are right, being aware of what you eat is as important as how much. You can look at other people's diaries for ideas of healthy alternatives that are tasty too. My dinner was super filling tonight, extremely tasty, and healthy. I would actually eat what I had tonight over a fast food meal now that I am back to eating healthy again. Even as recent as last month, my diary might have looked similar to yours. Change your mindset, change your food choices, and it will fall off.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    I am sitting here wondering why I chose to eat a Big Mac at 11 p.m.... talk about calories.... sheesh, I went over so much on my calories.... I am so disgusted.... and it wasnt even good.....
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I am sitting here wondering why I chose to eat a Big Mac at 11 p.m.... talk about calories.... sheesh, I went over so much on my calories.... I am so disgusted.... and it wasnt even good.....

    Stop right not beat yourself up and do not second guess. Take a new day as a fresh start. You have some great make a list and go to the store. Stay away from the freezer section unless it is for frozen fruits and veggies and stick to your list. You can do this, and don't set yourself up for failure by beating yourself up over one bad day.
  • Mrsairforce
    Today is a new day! Don't fret just keep trying. The only way you'll fail is if you give up! Realize the goals that you have for yourself and start making them happen, even if it takes months or years. :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Yes, eating 6 smaller meals will help with keeping your insulin levels stable and helps to increase your metabolism. It also means not feeling as hungry. If you ate everything all at once and skipped meals then it throws your system out of whack, and your body won't be in a state that you want it to be to see healthy weight loss results. It's like a fire...fueling it regularly keeps the fire burning, as opposed to fueling it all at the beginning and having nothing else to sustain it for a long time...

    If you have no medical issues, eating more frequently does not increase your metabolism at all. All it may do is stop you snacking or making bad choices. You could eat all your calories for the day right before bed and it makes no difference.

    The more things you change OP, the more you cut out, the harder you make it for yourself, and the more likely you will binge/fall off.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Having read a few days of your diary I'd say learn to EITHER avoid McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts for a while OR learn to have the low cal options. It depends on your mind set. For a while, all I would eat at McD's was a side salad and small fries, because I was trying to lose. Now I can have a whole meal if I feel like it, now I'm maintaining, but that's about once a month, not a few times a week.

    Not thinking about why you eat is counterproductive, because if you don't know why you eat you can go straight back to over-eating again, even after reaching your goal. Reading just a little of the rather out-of-date Fat is a Feminist Issue really helped me see what might be making me resist weight loss. It's really cheap on Amazon and I would recommend it.

    Take care of yourself and don't be scared of a little hunger from time to time.
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    I would need to find something I liked to drink as I just cant see drinking water with a meal. I dont like lemons at all, so I couldnt add a lemon to it. I can drink water all day, not saying I like to, but.... what I have been doing is like tonight I drank only half a pepsi with dinner and then drank the other half when I ate my "breakfast" around 1 a.m. LOL

    It may seem right now that you can't drink water with a meal. I used to think the same thing...and even after a while it took me breaking this mentality on a few "sacred" food/drink combos. BUT...I got used to it. Now my entire family orders water with every meal. Other than coffee and the very rare 2-liter of whatever soda is on sale, we all drink water almost 100% of the time. *shrug* It's become second nature and I use soda sometimes as a "treat" when I want something sweet. I used to drink a 2-liter of Pepsi A DAY. Now I can tell you that there's been one rather flat 2-liter of some sort of Lemon Lime pop and a 2-liter of Mt. Dew (also probably flat) in my house for MONTHS! (Plus, the added money I've saved on these crazy soda drinks is an added bonus!) Anyhow, starting out is the hardest. I used to force myself to "earn" my pop with 16 oz of water. After a while, I was too full of water to even want the soda. Now I keep a bottle of water with me everywhere I go and it's not uncommon for me to get 10-14 glasses in a regular day.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I used to be the same way with soda. I found it was the carbonation I was addicted to. I forced myself to get used to seltzer water. It was definitly and aquired taste, but it has helped me enormously. There are zero caories, zero sodium and no artificial sweeteners.

    I too was working from home and I can tell you it is easier to control your weight (with a bit of effort) at home, than at any other job. When you are around people you are subject to their lunch ideas and an endless supply of baked goods. Don't try for the different job, just work at making time to work out at home. I was lucky I had a treadmill to start with, but if you don't, you can start by taking a walk every day. I did everyday and did not take days off, becuase I had such a sedentary job.

    Start tweaking your food slowly. Making small sustainable changes. making grocery lists, planning recipes ahead of time. I became obsesive about logging and planning.

    Best wishes to you. If you want you can friend request me. I don't have a desk job now, but I was where you are at and I lost most of my wiehgt when I had my desk job. My weight loss has slowed down since working in a restaurant.