Pain in my calves

I have just started back on My Fitness Pal after a year break, After starting a new job I have just been distracted and with it being in a school I am just so tired & I have to stand up daily. So I started working out on Saturday by going on the Wii and since then I have a terrible pain in the back of both my calves. I can hardly walk in the mornings and I have tried over and over again to stretch them out in all kinds of poses but it just isn't working. The exercises I did were:

Stetching/yogo : 15 Minutes
Stepping: 30 Minutes
Jogging on the spot: 20 Minutess
Thats all of the Wii Fit plus and then I swopped discs and did:
Zumba Beginners: 30 Minutes

I need help on to how to stop this pain and how to stop it from happening again.


  • 123anaj
    I have pain in ome of my is tender to the well as painful to walk on....I was exercising and heard a loud pop...and then the tightness and pain in my calf began....HELP!
  • lisar514
    lisar514 Posts: 7 Member
    This used to happen to me after running - I actually went to my chiropractor who had to rub it out after trying for days to stretch my calves...

    My son who is a year round competitive swimmer would sometimes be hampered by the same issue -

    This can be caused by low potassium levels and dehydration.

    Make sure you are drinking a lot of water before, during, after any exercise
    Eating a banana before working out may help as well (high in potassium)
    My son eats a banana before every swim practice and meet

    Stretching before exercise is also important

    Hope this helps!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Have you tried stretching your legs while sat in a hot bath? That helped me after my jog last night.
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    do some warming up before you stretch.. stretching cold muscles can cause this problem, Bananas are a good idea too.. and a tip for anyone who gets cramp in their calves.. tonic water! the quinine helps prevent it...)
  • wheezymc
    wheezymc Posts: 9 Member
    I have pain in ome of my is tender to the well as painful to walk on....I was exercising and heard a loud pop...and then the tightness and pain in my calf began....HELP!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Some of you maybe having problems with your achillies tendon.
    Especially the one that heard the pop. I had surgery on mine a year ago last dec. Nothing to mess with, should get it checked out. Without your achillies tendon, you cannot walk.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I had REALLY bad shin splints and calve issues when I first started working out and my saving grace was certain stretches. The best ones for me where:

    I did most of these:

    Another one that helped tremendously was:

    Sitting in a chair, with one leg, lift it slightly off the ground on point your toes toward the ground moving your ankle with it (like a ballerina foot.). Now point your toes and ankle up as far as you can go towards you shin. I do as many reps as my ag on each foot. Sometimes double that.. You should feel the stretch on your shin muscle and the back middle and outer calve area.

    Hope this help. Trust me, I almost always had pain if I didn't do these.

    I would suggest stretching before and after every workout and throughout the day if you still have pain.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    It sounds like you over did it. An hour and a half workout just getting back into things is probably too much.

    If that is indeed the case, then stretching and time will heal all.
  • BellydanceBliss
    Drink more water eat some potassium bananas, avacado, or potatoes with nothing on it....Try some deep breathing as well.
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    Do you wear high heels, I wear really high heels and it ruins my calf muscles. i struggled when i first started and they are always the bit of me that hurts the most if i go jogging or use a step machine etc. It is getting better, but it is best to build it up. I will stop and do some stretches mid run or walk and foudn drinking a lot of water also helps. i do loads of stretching and it getting better.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    If you have recently started back to your healthy lifestyle I am going to assume that you have also increased your water intake. Drinking loads of water gets rid of the calcium, magnesium and potassium in your body a little too quickly, which can cause cramp or tightness in your muscles normally calves - you may find it helpful to add these minerals in tablet form to help out. I find it really helps me out a lot. I also sit in the hot tub when I can and get a massage once a month, I find it helps to keep me feeling good!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks all for your help. Yes I have been upping my water I am getting used to spending all of my time on the toilet again lol. I am going to try potasium tablets as I don't like Bananas but I need to sort this out so I can get exercising I feel so frustrated because I am so ready to start exercising again. I am still eatting well and doing the water so fingers crossed.