Reducing Sugar



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the sugar in the coffee isn't a big deal if that is really all the sugar you are adding a day. I won't give up my coffee, and I have to have something in it. You may be able to substitute the mik/sugar with a flavored creamer that is low/no sugar. Of course, then you are substituting with other stuff that you may not want in your diet too.
  • MissHoney26
    MissHoney26 Posts: 43 Member
    Also, you can't live on a bagel all day. I'll tell you why you are probably overweight, it's cause your body is in starvation mode! It's holding on to every last fat cell it can. Make yourself eat every meal..or a bunch of small 200 cal meals throughout the day. Your body will begin to expect it and let you know it's hungry!

    Thank you. I try to make myself eat but most days, just a bagel is what I end up eating and not craving anything more. I am giving up bagels and any other bread/pasta altogether so hopefully my appetite will pick up. However I notice that I experience the same minimal appetite when I have protein.
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    (what is Truvia??)

    Just googled and found this - I am Australian so that's why I don't know it!

    SNIP 8< Truvia is a sweetener that comes from the stevia plant. The European Union, Australia and New Zealand have banned the use of Truvia and other stevia products due to research reports that indicate dangerous side effects.

    Read more: Side Effects of Truvia and the Stevia Plant | >8 SNIP

    Been researching this myself and from what I can see, Truvia is a PATENTED artificial sweetener created by Coca Cola and Cargill. It is LOOSELY based upon Stevia (which is a natural sweeetener), in as much as it contains an extract (rebaudioside) of an apparently genetically modified stevia plant. However, it also contains modified (and Coca Cola are not saying how is been modified) erythritol and "natural flavours" (again they are not saying what they are). Coca Cola have not released details about the amount of each component within Truvia. The primary reason for Coca Cola / Cargill developing Truvia as opposed to using the natural Stevia appears to be so they could patent it (you cant patent a natural food) and thereby profit from it.

    So to me, it makes "health sense" to use the natural Stevia (which the sugar and/or sweetener industry has been fighting to prevent being widely available) which has been used for hundreds of years in South America and the last 30 years in Japan as opposed to a recently created chemical sweetener called Truvia. It seems Stevia may actually have some health benefits for people with high blood pressure too.

    So, I'd personally (and this is only my opinion) be inclined to avoid artificial sweeteners and use natural ones such as:

    Evaporated Cane Juice
    Fruit Juice
    Rice Syrup
    Licorice Root (small amounts)
    Vegetable Glycerin
    Maple Syrup (Without Added Sugar)
    Barley Malt

    Or even... sugar :)