Gaining weight?

I keep gaining weight. I'm not quite sure why. I know my sodium intake has been quite high lately, but I've been drinking my water. I also know I tend to eat quite a few processed foods, which right now I am trying to cut that all out but it's kinda hard when you're poor. I exercise (cardio and body weight/calisthenics) 5-6 days a week, aiming for at least 30 minutes a day and I've been trying really hard to eat right. I generally stay well under my calorie limit and try very hard to eat at least 1200 net calories.
Unless someone has an answer, I'm just gonna keep on truckin and see what next week's weigh in brings. I'm not quite sure what else to do.


  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    Hey hunni,

    Im not very rich either so I know how hard it is to eat healthily on the cheap! However I do a lot of batch cooking and its a lot cheaper. My shopping bills are now really really low and I eat really well. If you need any help on cooking like that my food blog is if you trawl through the old posts there's a post called 'rubber chicken' part 1 and part 2 is good as you can get so many meals out of one chicken! Plus other posts to do with slow cooking.

    I hope that helps xxx
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Thank you! I will check out your website :)
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    Plus I hope you don't mind me saying, ive checked your food diary and the sodium is really high..... is there any way you could try and reduce it? xxx
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Yeah, I know my sodium has been pretty bad lately. It's because all we've had in the house really is a lot of processed foods. I'm definitely planning on cutting down on that.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Bump! I'd like some more input please :)
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Bumping again!! Please help?!
  • hamullin
    hamullin Posts: 6 Member
    I wish I had an answer but I feel your pain. My first weigh in of having a week where I felt like I did everything right and I gained 2 pounds!! My biggest fear had been that it would be the same, not gained!

    Don't let it get you down and keep plugging a long. Maybe your hard work will show up in a future weigh in.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    i have been gaining weight too lately even though i've been doing everything right. people keep telling me that it's muscle or water weight, but i don't want to hear that. i want to fix it and start losing again. 35 pounds is not what i wanted to lose, i want to lose at least 60 pounds! so discouraged!
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    Hi, this site might help you:

    You can eat very well on a low budget, you just need to know what to get :) Some "superfoods" that are really cheap include things like sweet potatoes, eggs, skim milk, kale, dry beans, oatmeal, canned fish, etc.

    If there's a trader joe's near you, I also can't rec that enough! Once I bought all my groceries for the week for $9 (I just bought lots of fruits and veggies and had a super healthy week, lol).

    It might also help to cut out dressings/sauces (like mayonnaise - or maybe switch to the kind where they use olive oil?) as well as sugary cereals. I'd recommend eating oatmeal instead for breakfast. It'll keep you full for HOURS! :) Good luck!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Looking at your diary, you aren't eating much different than me, but maybe it's the potatoes and breads and lack of fruits and veggies?

    Stick with it, don't give up and try to get more of those fruits and veggies in!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I see you live in East Hickory, PA (don't know where that is) but I live in PA too. We have several different grocery stores around here that have lower priced items (Aldi's, Save-A-Lot, Food King) and a place called Erie County Farms that has tons of fresh fruits, veggies, and meat for low prices (I'm talking filet for 4.99 a pound). That place can be crazy but it's worth it when you are on a budget. Also, what type of exercise are you doing? Definitely need to cut down on the sodium:) I'm the same way with sugar though! Good luck!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Great job on staying under calorie goal many days in the past week (I think all but your free day, which is really great)

    You mentioned you have been drinking your water, but you have 8 cups average. With sodium levels so high (over 4000mg one day I remember) you would benefit from drinking more water, up to 16 I would say.

    Personally my sodium levels stay around 2000-3000 which is more than many folks who use this site. But I have low blood pressure and dropping sodium too far means I pass out, so that is just not something I watch. But I do try to keep my water even with sodium. I drink 8-20 cups a day, depending on how thirsty (or bored!) I am as well as how much sodium I've had. Somedays I will have 8 cups of water before noon, and only eat a little. Those are the days I feel the worst, and then I eat salty crackers or sometimes even just a packet of salt (gross but it keeps me standing)

    You probably do not have this issue but I just wanted to mention it because some people are afraid to drink 'too much' water. Too much is a very high level and you will KNOW when you reach it. Especially if you drink throughout the day instead of all at once, (all at once can be dangerous). I have a 32 oz cup that I fill up and drink every 3-4 hrs. 2 of those reaches my 8 cup goal, 3 of those is what I normally drink each day.

    Keep going with your great job under calorie goal (but over 1200, which is very good!) and try to a) drink more water b) eat less sodium c) a little mix of both

    I also wanted to ask how you are measuring your food? Do you just guess? Do you have a food scale? Do you use measuring cups / sticks?
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member

    I was curious what you have your weightloss goal set to per week? What is your fitness level set at (sedentary, etc)? Have you by any chance calculated your BMR (apart from MFP's calculation which can be a little high sometimes- at least it was for me)?

    Try focusing in on that sodium, do a week of keeping it under 2500, then lower it to 2250, then 2000. I have mine at 2000 right now, but I want to eventually lower it to 1500.

    Also, try eating breakfast. I started losing weight and feeling better when I started eating breakfast. Even something as small as a thing of yogurt, or peanut butter toast, or oatmeal (the instant kind has a bunch of sodium Boo! lol). Maybe some apples or bananas to have as a mid-morning/afternoon snack?

    It is a process, you have to start somewhere. I read an article on here about gaining when you first start a new exercise routine... Something about your body storing more water in the muscles etc (search "why you gain when first working out"). You might experience a little weight gain now and then have it fall off drastically after a few weeks.

    ETA: I'm in PA too! :-)
  • Working out 5-6 times a week for 30 minutes and staying under 1200 calorie goal sometimes?
    Your body is probably going into starvation mode. Try eating a bit more for a week and continue your work outs and see if it levels out for you. Also, you may be gaining muscle instead of losing fat if you are doing work outs like push ups and squats. Good luck!
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I would definitely say keep working at it. If you have been doing the same workout for a while, try switching it up or set up a new challenge to push yourself. I love setting up challenges to keep myself motivated.
    Also, like the previous said, try cutting the sodium a bit, and work on getting better foods in your diet. This can be a slow change, no need to empty your pantry and start over! Just try switching in a veggie/fruit in place of other snacks, wheat in place of white breads/pasta.
    Always water.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    What you have to remember is that salt makes you retain water. If you have too much sodium/salt in your body, you will just bloat and carry more water, it doesn't flush completely out. This is especially true if you continue to eat high sodium content. I would say that you are making an excuse for yourself, saying "it's what we have in the house". That's not a good reason to eat it. If you don't have healthy foods for you, then go get some, and hold to eating them. Let the others in the house eat the bad foods if they want to, but if your goal is being jeopardized, you have to be stricter with yourself.

    Also watch out and make sure that your water is pure water, not Gatorade/Powerade, Crystal Light, or other things of this nature. If what you're drinking has electrolytes added, you should stop because you already get way too much of those as is. Electrolytes are added to water drinks to promote retention of water to avoid dehydration.

    You should also limit frozen dinners and canned veggies. They are easier but also pack a high salt punch. Canned veggies can be okay if you get the no salt added versions; I personally prefer them anyway.

    I'd also say that if you are at 1200 calories, drinking plenty of water, and exercises 30+ minutes a day, I'd be inclined to think you are not being honest about some of those things. It may be time to re-evaluate.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Same question is asked thousands of times. Here are replies from a few minutes ago. You can also use the Search function to find other replies to this same question. Copy and paste into your browser:
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Hofficoffi - I'm definately going to check out your blog! Eating well on the cheap is a passion of mine. I posted a thread here a while back with some excellent tips from me and other very creative people.

    OP - I wonder if 1200cals is not enough for you. I am not a "starvation mode" prodder but I do think each of us have (I like to call it) a "sweet spot" for weight loss. My BMR is 1415 and when I first started ~1200cals was fine but after a few months, nothing, then weight gain, then nothing. I played around with my cals and 1500 is my sweet spot. I think it's different for everyone so I suggest trying some different levels for a month or so. Increase it to 1800 for a couple weeks, I know that sounds drastic. Lower it to 1600 for a week, lower it to 1500 for a week and see if you can find your sweet spot.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    yes! sodium will make you retain water, so if you increase your sodium, you'll be thirstier, and you'll actually hold water weight. strange, eh? I also concur with reduced sodium canned veggies... they aren't expensive, and they have less sodium :) whole wheat pasta and pizza crusts are good, if you like them, and you can make a quick tomato sauce in a blender with some chopped tomatoes, and some dried herbs.
    also, I think everyone else is onto something with the 1200 calories being too low. I seem to be going through the same trouble you are, my app tells me to eat 1260 calories a day, but I'm STARVING all day! that isn't normal. there's only so much computer stuff can do to vary person to person, and they can't always take metabolic rates and cardio rates into account. I would try adding maybe 100 calories of healthy food, like a banana or other fruits/veggies and see if that helps out. :)