What's the truth? How often to exercise?

ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
Hi everybody. I've been on MFP for a few weeks now and absolutely love it! Your comments and blogs are my lifeline when it comes to information and support.

Question: What is the true answer about how often I "must" exercise. I joined the gym at my work and have been going nearly every weekday. But I worry about burning myself out. What frequency works for you guys and why?



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I usually workout 2 days, off one day, workout 2 days and then touch and go on the weekend. I never workout on Sundays.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I try to do something every day. Now there is a difference between an hour lifting weights, an hour on the elliptical, an hour of Yoga, an hour long walk or an hour long stretch.

    If you work in those /recovery/stretch/Yoga type workouts in then the burnout ratio is much less problematic.

    I actually feel worse afterwards when I end up having a day when I do nothing.
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    Good information! Thanks, everybody!
  • brokenartist
    brokenartist Posts: 52 Member
    If you work in those /recovery/stretch/Yoga type workouts in then the burnout ratio is much less problematic.

    I actually feel worse afterwards when I end up having a day when I do nothing.

    I know what you mean. I just recently (Aug. 2011) got back into working out. I got my feet wet then got burned out and fell off the bandwagon. Then I made myself commit to a 3 week 5 days a week routine that got my motivation back. Now I have switched to a mass builder program of 3 days (M-W-F) that I will do for 5 weeks. I'm on week 2 and I miss the 5 days a week.

    So I have started to do at home stuff like yoga or kickboxing from the OnDemand options on cable. I also go running at least 2-3 times a week. Today I added a 30 minute circuit training for my Thursday mornings so I wouldn't feel so "blah" come Sunday after two days off in a row.

    @vjharp - the truth is that you need to determine what your goal is and that will help determine your weekly workout time. And once you get into a habit of working out regularly then you will miss it on the days that you dont do anything.

    Good luck and if you want some general or specific routines for muscle building or weight loss try 'muscleandstrength.com'...great resources
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Never. I'm the person who buys a gym membership and never goes. I eat right. If I do something considered exercise it's a plus, but not likely.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm also in the gym pretty much every day.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    There's a big "it depends". If you work out to your utmost ability, you're going to need to two days clear rest. However, if you're pootling along there's nothing stopping you from working out every day. I'm also a firm believer in "active rest" - if you had a tough weights workout the night before, why not go for a speedy lunchtime walk the next day? If you had an exhausting run, have a gentle swim, or do yoga.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I usually workout Monday-Friday and take the weekend off. If I miss a workout Friday, I'll workout Saturday after work, so about 5 times a week for me. I wouldn't do it everyday, your body needs a day off here and there.
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    I don't go to the gym, but I do some sort of activity everyday - we have a stair stepper at home. I'm usually on it at least every other day. I dance around to Just Dance and to the radio to burn calories. When I do chores, I step it up a bit and really get it going then too (YES HOUSE WORK counts - if you're moving).

    Make sure if you are going to the gym everyday that you're mixing it up - that will prevent boredom, burnout and plateaus!!!

    Good Luck!!!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Question: What is the true answer about how often I "must" exercise. I joined the gym at my work and have been going nearly every weekday. But I worry about burning myself out. What frequency works for you guys and why?
    There's no must in the equation; if it feels mandatory you will soon rebel against it.

    Unless you find something you not only like doing... but love :heart: doing!

    For me it was cycling then swimming. I got a bike last summer and started going out at the weekend for an hour or so, then I started doing a 15-min ride in the mornings before work. As the days got shorter I was less inclined to go out for a bike ride and started going to the local pool. I did this for about a week or two and really enjoyed the swimming, but not the pool's facilities. So I joined a gym which has a lovely pool and superb facilities so I now go swimming about 5 days a week and will do at least an hour most days, sometimes an hour and a half at weekends.

    At the gym they threw in an induction program and PT session. The program was based on my goals of slow-but-steady weight loss and general hike in fitness levels. It's tailored to suit me, but I just don't enjoy it - it doesn't motivate me. So I've stuck to what I do best: cycling to the pool and swimming for an hour. I've still got the PT session to book, and wish I could get 2 x 30mins with a swimming coach instead as I'd love to be able to do front crawl properly.

    So in a nutshell, find something you enjoy doing and then GO FOR IT!!!!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I workout 6 days a week. I take one day off.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    It's different for everyone. I do Monday-Thursday because I'm absolutely worn out by Friday. Then I do Saturday.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    You should do something every day. Some heavy and some lighter.
  • BellydanceBliss
    My plan is...To switch it up a bit while taking on belly dancing, every other day I will add some kind of other exercise even if just for 10-20 min on the cardio glide. My hope in doing this is that it will trick my body to keep on shaping and keep on losing kind of like muscle memory...
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    i have been working out twice a day, waling for around 30 mins in the day then doing a class or some sort of aerobics at home for an hour
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    Never. I'm the person who buys a gym membership and never goes. I eat right. If I do something considered exercise it's a plus, but not likely.

    have you been losing weight?
  • There is no rule about how often you should go to the gym - it all depends on your personal goals! It is reccommended that you get at least 1-3 hours of cardio per week for heart health (and weight loss) & about 1-2 hours per week of strength training to build muscle and burn fat.

    Personally, I work out 3-4 days per week & focus alot of my time on lifting since my goals are to build more muscle and get stronger.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I am back in my hardcore mode so I actually do two-a-days at the gym. Work out in the morning and evening after work. I feel awesome and allows me to eat a bit more food as well. But I am not just looking to lose weight. I'm going for definition and tone for my upcoming season of Rugby.

    I find that working out M-F is no good. Taking those weekends off is when you tend to binge the most so I suggest maybe day a wednesday off and working out on the weekends even if it's a simple 30 min jog. You don't need to go crazy.

    Or switch it up -- Go play Tennis, or a pick up game of some sort with friends.
  • tracysway
    tracysway Posts: 67 Member
    I work out six days a week. 2-3 days I go twice. Usually 1/2 hr cardio then 1/2 hr weights. I push myself everyday. If I'm not sore the next day I feel as though I didnt work out hard enough.
    The key is to find something that you can/want to do and stick with it.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    It depends on what your fitness goals are.

    Exercise will make you healthy. It may not help you lose weight.

    You will never out-exercise a bad diet.

    So if you are trying to lose weight, your first priority has to be calorie intake.

    Exercise is always good, but if you are trying to lose weight, diet is more important.