Why am I not losing weight?



  • tinalouiseh2
    tinalouiseh2 Posts: 6 Member
    Definitely have your thyroid checked. If you are borderline, discuss taking natural supplements with your doctor before you start. Your thyroid is extremely important to the function of your body and even those on medication like me :) find very slight fluctuations in weight can affect it. Other medications have to be taken into consideration as well with anything which doesn't need a prescription. I didn't lose wait at first but raising my calories by 200 made a huge difference. I figured it had something to do with hormones as well. Be honest with your doctor and share your concerns.
  • mattemery
    mattemery Posts: 38 Member
    Of course, don't know for sure, but, looking at your goals, your picture, and the fact that you have already dropped a couple of pounds, maybe it is expectations. As a couple of others have said, setting goal at 0.5 pounds a week is realistic with a goal of 5-10 total.

    But as a couple of others have pointed out, indirectly (i.e. measure your inches, not your weight), it's possible you don't need to loose that. Here is a good article (I think).

    How Much Should I Weigh?

    My doctor told me yet a different way. Start with 100 pounds. For every inch over 5 feet tall, women add 5 pounds, men add 7. So, a 5'10" man should weigh 170, and a 5'6" woman should weigh 130. Then she allowed +/- 10% on either side. Using all of these methods should give you a good idea of what a healthy weight is.
  • grimrpr
    grimrpr Posts: 14
    Same happened to me, joined gym 2 weeks ago and i am 125-126 , i'd like to be 115lb, so i noticed that everytime, after my workout routine (i lift weights and i also do cardio) i'd gain about 2 pounds. Also my scale is showing same weight and even a bit more every day( i weight myself every morning). So what i did is that i took mesurements at the end of every week and yes, i am getting smaller, lost some inches already. Maybe you should do that too.

    This is due to muscle GAIN. Cardio doesn't really BUILD muscle, but weight/resistance training does. Muscle weighs more than fat. That being said, a professional bodybuilder will usually TRY and FAIL to gain 20lbs in a year. If you notice that after several months you are still gaining a pound or 2 a week.. that isn't muscle.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Tired, depressed, and stressed are all classic symptoms of not eating enough.You only have 10 pounds to lose, why are you starving yourself?

    I don't think I'm starving myself :) I eat - I love to cook and eat :) but maybe I do need to eat more to boost my metabolism
    ? I have a lot of muscle. My caloric intake is based on what MFP set for me. But I'm sure just going by someone's height and weight is not an accurate way of deciphering how many calories they need...

    Are you trying to lose 2 pounds a week? Because that's what it sounds like, and if you only have 10 pounds or so to lose, it's incredibly unrealistic. You shouldn't be trying to lose more than half a pound a week.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Same happened to me, joined gym 2 weeks ago and i am 125-126 , i'd like to be 115lb, so i noticed that everytime, after my workout routine (i lift weights and i also do cardio) i'd gain about 2 pounds. Also my scale is showing same weight and even a bit more every day( i weight myself every morning). So what i did is that i took mesurements at the end of every week and yes, i am getting smaller, lost some inches already. Maybe you should do that too.

    This is due to muscle GAIN. Cardio doesn't really BUILD muscle, but weight/resistance training does. Muscle weighs more than fat. That being said, a professional bodybuilder will usually TRY and FAIL to gain 20lbs in a year. If you notice that after several months you are still gaining a pound or 2 a week.. that isn't muscle.

    That's not muscle gain, it's water retention. Muscle takes weeks to add, not after every workout.
  • raineraven78
    raineraven78 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks everyone. I looked at my goals. Didn't realize I had set myself to lose 2 pounds per week. I changed it to .5 but it upped my calories to 1500 and I really felt that was too much. I changed my calories to 1300 and I'll take it from there and see what happens.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Have you tried setting your calories to the lowest weight loss setting and eating back your exercise calories? (i.e. eating more)

    The less you have to lose, the lower your setting needs to be and the closer to maintanence you need to be eating.

    I didn't think it was healthy to go below 1200 calories and I definitely eat my exercise calories.

    Sorry, I don't think I was clear. I meant the .5 setting rather than a 2lb setting.