You look Great!?!?!?

Is there anyone else, who when you tell people you are trying to lose weight and get healthy all you hear is.. YOU LOSE weight????? You dont need to lose weight!!! You look great!!!!! Or Theres NO WAY you have that much to lose!!!!


  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    YES!! I know my friends mean well and it makes me feel good that they don't think I was as big as I was. My response to them is that I just don't feel comfortable in my own body at the moment. But I appreciate the compliment.
  • jolielouise
    jolielouise Posts: 14 Member
    All the time! It's annoying... I know I am quite thin, but I feel out of proportion and have problem areas such as my stomach and thighs. They think because I want to keep to a good balanced diet and exercise properly that I think I am fat,,,which I don't...I just use MFP to tackle the bits Im unhappy with and stay fit :)
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    my friends and co workers are the same way. Most of them have a bit more weight to lose than I do, and when I say I want to lose 25lbs and to get toned and healthy, they are like you will be way to skinny!!!! Even my students look at me like im crazy when I say anything about it. But for me its about being healthy and feeling good about myself!! I cant feel good about myself KNOWING that i am over weight. For once though I would like to hear GOOD FOR you!!! :) oh well vent over
  • jolielouise
    jolielouise Posts: 14 Member
    I think they mean it as a compliment as they obviously think you look great already. But it is more important to keep yourself happy, and if that means sticking to a healthy diet and exercising then don't let their comments deter you.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I believe thats whats important too. I just try to be so supportive of anyone elses goals and be very positive to them letting them know that they Can and WIll acheive their goals, and would be nice to get some in return. But that is why i joined this site :)