

  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I have three meals and two snacks. Depends on what your weight loss settings are. As was already said, if your weight loss setting is at 2 pounds per week, try lowering it to 1 or 1/2 lb per week. Slow and steady! Make sustainable changes. If I get too hungry and don't have my healthy snacks available, I tend binge junk food like crazy.
  • sassyjvg
    Try making a pot of boiled eggs and eat one a day for a snack along with a half an apple and have a cup of hot green tea. Fiber, protein, and a healthy antioxident should help satisfy that hunger. Helps me!
  • missbecca22
    Also ...make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. A study has shown that our first instinct is to think that we are hungry when 90% of the time we are thirsty!! I agree with the 2 snacks....eat celery..its mostly water...but try drinking 8 to 10 oz of water at first when you get the urge, wait 10 min..and if you are still hungry after..grab your snack then.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I feel like I am starving!!! I ate a good breakfast after my workout this morning, and here it is 10am and I am so ready for lunch. I have heard it is better to take your "snack time" in the afternoon, but I think I am going to have to start doing 2 snacks a day, one between breakfast and lunch, and the other between lunch and dinner. I know that with me working out, especially in the morning, it kicks my metabolism up a notch...but I hate feeling like I want to eat ALL DAY LONG!! I can't keep my calories in check if I do that!
    Another point/question I have...does anyone do the weight loss shakes for snacks? I bought and tried the slim fast shakes, had one for my afternoon snack yesterday. How do they say that is supposed to be a meal replacement!! An hour after I drank it I was hungry again!! I have got to get this under control...Any ideas or advice? Help!!

    Especially when you are working out, eating 5-6 small meals a day is best for your metabolism. Add in a protien shake between meals or knaw on some veggies or fruit. It will help you stick to your goal.
  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 145 Member
    If I get too hungry and don't have my healthy snacks available, I tend binge junk food like crazy.

    This is me to a tee when I leave work to go home for lunch. Hubby likes to keep his "junk" in the house, and it is so hard to avoid it. Most of the time I am successful...But I still have those days. I drink plenty of water throughout the day. At work I have a Water fountain almost right by my desk and I am constantly refilling my water bottle.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    I almost always do two snacks per day. One is almost always a 1/4 cup of raw almonds. They are so filling and delicious!
  • Eleisabelle
    This may not be true for you as an individual: research has shown that snacking between breakfast and lunch makes it more likely that you'll generally eat more over the course of the day.

    That's what happened to me. I've found that if I avoid the morning snack, and each my lunch at 11 instead of noon, I get through the day better and can eat less in general.

    What also seems to have worked best for me is to not let more than 4 hours elapse between meals. So, I eat at about 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, and 7 pm, and that helps me make it through. Occasionally my schedule makes that harder to do, but if that's the case, I might have just a piece of fruit to make sure I don't go longer than 4 hours without eating something. And the fiber in the fruit helps keep me full a little longer, so I don't continue to obsess about eating more.

    Finally, I make sure I get either a good, satisfying but healthy fat in each meal (chocolate, avocado, nuts, peanut butter), or I make sure I get a good amount of fiber. Then I make sure I'm drinking plenty of tea or water between meals, to keep myself hydrated.

    So far, that's what seems to have worked best for me.

    ETA: Of course, I also have to make sure I get enough calories with each meal. I'm on about 1480 now, with only about 10 pounds left to lose, so I eat approximately 350 calories per meal. When I was at 1200, I was doing 300 calories per meal, and that's a little harder, but it worked.
  • NettyB62
    I am on my 2nd week of a workout program with a trainer. It has taken me until today to figure this out (as far as food goes). Today I had (pre-workout) 2 scrambled eggs with diced turkey and a bit of shredded cheese on top and 1 cup skim milk. (post-workout) a whey protein shake mix made with 1 cup skim milk and a banana in it.
    I must say..I feel pretty darn good, not jittery, not starving, not dizzy. I think I understand what my body needs now.
  • Ceebee37
    I think you need to consume more calories, you shouldn't be so hungry, eat small meals frequently, drink loads of water, and eat more protien, e.g, nuts, chicken, eggs, etc and see if you feel better. If not then increase your calories or cut back a bit on the exercise. Most important to keep hydrated
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I find it works better for me if I snack 2-3 times a day. I'm not a big breakfast eater...never have been...so I'm always hungry before lunch time. I find if I eat every 2 hours I'm good to go. Yes that sounds like a lot, but here's a typical day for me:

    Breakfast: 9:00am - Quaker Oats Chewy Granola Bar
    Snack: 11:00am - Hummus and Reduced Fat Wheat Thins
    Lunch: 1:00pm - Lean Cuisine (or something else super easy)
    Snack: 3:00pm - Skinny Cow bar (or something sweet)
    Snack: 5:00pm - String cheese (while I'm prepping dinner)
    Dinner: 7:00pm - Whatever I felt like cooking LOL

    I'm not saying this is how YOU should do it, but it's how I like to do it. This way I'm never really hungry. :)
    You have to find a way to keep yourself happy and healthy. Sitting around being legitimately hungry will lead you down a bad path and you'll be down about it later.
    If you need to eat, eat :)
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    Also, I'm totally anti shakes
    I want to EAT my calories ;)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I find it works better for me if I snack 2-3 times a day. I'm not a big breakfast eater...never have been...so I'm always hungry before lunch time. I find if I eat every 2 hours I'm good to go. Yes that sounds like a lot, but here's a typical day for me:

    Breakfast: 9:00am - Quaker Oats Chewy Granola Bar
    Snack: 11:00am - Hummus and Reduced Fat Wheat Thins
    Lunch: 1:00pm - Lean Cuisine (or something else super easy)
    Snack: 3:00pm - Skinny Cow bar (or something sweet)
    Snack: 5:00pm - String cheese (while I'm prepping dinner)
    Dinner: 7:00pm - Whatever I felt like cooking LOL

    I'm not saying this is how YOU should do it, but it's how I like to do it. This way I'm never really hungry. :)
    You have to find a way to keep yourself happy and healthy. Sitting around being legitimately hungry will lead you down a bad path and you'll be down about it later.
    If you need to eat, eat :)

    This is what works for me too!!!!! At least my M-F, but my weekends are different. I tend to not eat snacks on the weekends and have a larger breakfast/lunch. During the week there is no time to make eggs for breakfast and for me it is the only thing that will keep me full and satisfied until lunch without needing a snack. I'll do 2 dippy eggs, 2 slices of toast, and a serving of bacon or sausage.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    slim fast shakes are blah! If you are going to try that route, check out IdealShape. I did a search for meal replacement shakes and found a website (i think its mealreplacementshakereviews.com) and found Ideal Shape through them. It really is soooo much more nutritious and filling. I use mine as a meal and sometimes as a post workout snack!
  • bast2112
    I feel this way sometimes too, and it's miserable! Today my strategy is eating a half cup of cheerios, one at a time, slugging the water, and having some green tea. Hoping it takes me until closer to lunch to finish these cheerios! Good luck!
  • shana_phoenix83
    shana_phoenix83 Posts: 98 Member
    If it were me, I'd switch up the store-bought protein shakes for homemade ones. Slim Fast and others are high in sugar, and don't tend to fill me up at all (plus they are more expensive). I just blend frozen berries, bananas, yogurt, and some skim or almond milk. Sometimes I add protein powder, or green veggies (spinach, etc.). The possibilities are endless. When I get really hungry, I'll make one of these for a snack and they really do help with the hunger.