Logging fitness games for Xbox Kinect?

Hi everyone!

I had an Xbox for Christmas and bought a Kinect sensor for it. I've also just bought Your Shape Fitness Evolved but not sure how to log it in MFP. Any ideas? x


  • moiramab
    moiramab Posts: 26 Member
    I've done the same with Kinect fitness :)
    In MFP, there's a way to manually enter exercises and calories burned. Most of the Kinect exercise games I've seen log estimated calories burned, so you can just copy and paste, as it were.
    if for some odd reason the game doesn't keep count, just guesstimate a cardio in the system that matches :)

    Good luck!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I made my own exercise and called it "your shape" or w/e then I just put in the calories I said it burned on the game. Not sure how accurate it is but it is better than nothing. It seemed mightly LOW though. I felt I was working my *kitten* off and going real hard and I barely burned 100 calories!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I wear my HRM, so I just made a new workout, and update it according to what I burned each day - some days it's exact, other it's a little over/under if I worked harder or not - so my minutes may be off - example - I worked out for 35 minutes burned 218, but I had to put that I had worked out 21 mintues so that it would register 218 calories........the day I made the exercise I had worked super hard I guess!

    And - Your shape really undercuts the amount of calories you actually burn - the only game that gets close to the reality is the EA Sports Active 2 that includes a HRM in the package to get it right!