Stuck at 143 lbs!

Hey MFP friends!

So I've been stuck for awhile in the 140s! I know when you get smaller, it takes longer to lose weight. I'm 5'4 and 20 years old so I should lose it in a healthy way. I want to get to 130. Anybody have any tips when they are feeling discouraged? I still workout twice a day and eat well with oatmeal, cream of wheat, or shreaded wheat in the am, protein/fish/veggies/milk/lots of water, etc for lunch, and what not in the pm.


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Wow we could be twins. I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 135. I'm at 139 right now but I was stuck at 145 for what seemed like forever. What I ended up doing is a.) eating maintenance for a few weeks and then going back to a modest deficit (your goal should be set at .5 lb per week) and b.) changing up what I eat so that I don't waste calories on things that won't fill me up.
  • I have this problem too. I've been stuck between 145 and 148 for about 9 months now. I heard something recently that high proteins, like eggs, in the morning are better than high carbs, like oatmeal, when you're trying to lose weight so that's what I've started. Unfortunately it's too soon to tell if it's working yet.
  • Thanks for the comments and help. I don't like eggs that much but I should definitely try to do that. Maybe that will boost the weight loss. It stinks being stuck!!!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I have been stuck in the low 150's. I can't seem to get to the 140's. Funny how are bodies just want to hold on to a weight when we are so desperate to drop to the next 10's!