Beginning execise...

Now that the holidays are over and my sons wedding is over I think I'm ready and have time to exercise. I read a blog where this lady made a resolution to run 365 miles last year, she made her goal. I thought that was pretty cool, I dont run, but I used to walk up to 4 miles a day. I could make the same goal?
I have videos (including zumba but didnt think it thru very well in my small apartment that is carpeted, is it possile to do?), a stability ball, a weighted ball, and a set of 5lb dumbells... where do I start to begin with? I want something that works my entire body in a small amout of time to fit into schedule, say 30 mins or so?

Any suggestions?


  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Sarah - My name is Sue and for a really good workout in a small space I highly recommend Jillian Michels 30 Day Shred (about $10 @ Walmart). It's very effective and you only need some hand weights!

    If you are looking for motivation and friends - feel free to send me a request! :smile: