ExTReme and SeXy Valentine Challenge



  • xprincessxjanetx
    I'm in!

    My name's Janet and i'm 19 years old. I am currently 170lbs and would like to be 120lbs so I have 50lbs to lose. I am a mum to a little boy called Callum who is 15 months old.

    Ideally I would like to lose a stone by valentines day and I think it is doable if I put my all in.

    Daily goals will be:
    - Drink water only
    - Have at least 5 fruit and vegetables
    - Go for my jog (25 mins)
    - Do 100 star jumps
    - Do "bingo wings" exercises

    Hoping we can do this together!!
  • jrn246
    jrn246 Posts: 3 Member
    Im in too!

    Hi everyone, I'm Joelle. I'm a 24 year old graduate student and have been looking for a little more support so this is awesome.

    I am currently 171lbs and my goal is to get down to a healthier 145 before my family health history of diabetes and obesity come knocking. My other related long-term goal is to establish permanent healthy eating and exercise habits.

    Valentine's Day goal: 5 lbs

    Daily Plan:
    1. Track food
    2. Walk 30 minutes
    3. Take the stairs!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow! So many are sharing my enthusiasm and vision for the 14th! I believe we can ALL do this! Remember it is only 4 weeks! We can sprint our way to a new "me" for four weeks, right?

    Today is my REST day from working out but the fire is burning in me and I think I am going to Zumba for 25 mins. That is 5 songs. So lets go ahead and start now. Write your goals down and put a heart by each day of the week that you do them

    Water Intake - W:heart:
    Workout -
    No fat -
    No LNS -
    Vitamins -
    Sm portion meals when hungry -
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    How do I find my way back here?

    Go to Community - Message Boards - My Topics

    That should help
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    I am in. Wouldn't this be better as a group?

    I'm 45 and single (okay, divorced). I travel a lot for work (80% +), but am trying to stay home more. At most, I'll have one or two short trips away during the challenge period. That should keep me out of the bars and restaurants more.

    Current weight: 236
    2/14 goal weight: 224

    I think it would be great to make a group page...but I've never done that so someone else will have to take that one on. lol

    I've never done one either. :( Is it anyone's experience that when you move to a group, you lose people? I thought I saw this with other challenges, but maybe it was just me. Wha cha all think?
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Oh, and if anyone has ideas of how we can keep motivated as a group please feel free to share. This is OUR challenge! So lets do whatever we can to really, really support each other!!!

    Our official weighin will be on Fridays and Thursdays at midnight will be the end of the ability to earn a heart for that day. So on Friday I will tally up the hearts earned for the week and report the totals. It will not be based on how many hearts per week but how many days a week each goal recieved a heart. So if you only have 2 goals but earn 7 hearts each that equals 7 for each one which is the highest tally to have.

    The person that earns the most completes their goals with a 7 for the week gets...... any ideas? We could all send them a big hug/heart on their profile page for being the winner. Any other ideas?
  • vanillamalt
    I am in. It seems all my friends on the program have left me stranded. I need all the help I can get. I have a wedding in April I am in and need to stay focused. These smaller time frames will be perfect to stay on track.

    My name is Kelly. I am 37. Married with 2 kids. I work part time but mainly stay at home domestic godess. ;D I usually can work out 3-4 times a week. Would like to stay active at least 6 to keep the metabolism up. Even if it is just walking. I do a cardio dance class 2xweek. Body sculpting class 2x week. Would like to add Pilates, but I need to get more disciplined in making it happen.

    Goal for Vday: 12lbs
    Current weight: 227
    Goal weight: 140

    Daily goals:
    track food
    drink more water
    be active (whether at gym or at home):heart::heart:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • inzkeeper
    ...Lisa. I am a 20 year old student living in South Africa. I live by myself and suck at cooking which makes eating healthy difficult....

    My goal is to lose 15 lb by Valentine's, when I'll be sunning on a beach and going out for a beautiful meal of grilled Ahi with my dh of 22 years! Can't wait! Lisa, healthy cooking doesn't have to be difficult. In fact the simpler, the better. The more raw you can eat, the better. Get out a frying pan, a very small smear of oil or butter will fry up some fish/beef/chicken on not-too-high temp. Put some mixed spice on it. Flip. Serve with sliced tomato/cucumber, a small portion of carbs (sometimes I just have wheat thins) and a fresh fruit. Done! Most of my meals are like that now. It's inexpensive and simple and takes no talent at all. My fav way to have cucumber is with a little vinegar poured over and sprinkled with dill. Tomatoes are good with oregano. choosing herb-ish kind of spices instead of sauces is a healthy choice. Good luck!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    ...Lisa. I am a 20 year old student living in South Africa. I live by myself and suck at cooking which makes eating healthy difficult....

    My goal is to lose 15 lb by Valentine's, when I'll be sunning on a beach and going out for a beautiful meal of grilled Ahi with my dh of 22 years! Can't wait! Lisa, healthy cooking doesn't have to be difficult. In fact the simpler, the better. The more raw you can eat, the better. Get out a frying pan, a very small smear of oil or butter will fry up some fish/beef/chicken on not-too-high temp. Put some mixed spice on it. Flip. Serve with sliced tomato/cucumber, a small portion of carbs (sometimes I just have wheat thins) and a fresh fruit. Done! Most of my meals are like that now. It's inexpensive and simple and takes no talent at all. My fav way to have cucumber is with a little vinegar poured over and sprinkled with dill. Tomatoes are good with oregano. choosing herb-ish kind of spices instead of sauces is a healthy choice. Good luck!

    I LOVE these ideas. I will be trying this myself. Thanks for sharing!
  • kate1959
    Count me in. Just start MFP last week. I'm 52, mother of 4(19-23), live in Venezuela, and teach 7th-10thgrade science at an international school. I want to be down 50 lbs by the time I go back to the states in June. I think this challenge is a fantastic idea!

    Weight 1/11/12 200.1
    Goal Weight 2./14/12 192

    Daily Goals:
    80 oz water
    No candy, cookies, cakes
    Combo of 5 Fruits and Veges
    At least 30 min exercise
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    I'll join! I'm 35, mother of 4, and an accountant.

    I weighed in today at 145.4. My goal is to be 125 by June 8th...so, I'd be happy with 141 (trying to lose a pound a week). And am doing the 30 day shred.

    Daily Goals:
    Only 1 diet coke a day.
    Drinking 8 glasses of water
    And keep on trucking it with the 30 ds!
  • TNT1121
    Count me in! I haven't tried a challenge on here yet, so I'll give it a go. I'm not married but have a great boyfriend of 6 months. I started losing weight last year out of my competitive spirit....a friend started a "Biggest Loser" challenge with a group of people and I wanted to win! I am down 27 pounds so far and have another 25 pounds to my goal weight. If I can stick with this Valentine's Day Challenge, I will be down to the teens in my pounds to go category :happy: My biggest challenge within this challenge will be not gaining after flying out to Wisconsin to attend the Packers game this weekend....that's a lot of beer and cheese tempting me!

    Starting Weight: 152.1 lbs (as of 1/11/12)
    Goal Weight by V-day: 144.1
    How I'll get there:
    -Tracking calories EVERY DAY (I have troubles with the weekends sometimes)
    -Drink 65 ounces of water every day (again, troubles with the weekends)
    -Aerobics exercise 3x per week
    -Walking at least 1/2 hour 3x per week
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: FIRST WEEK MINI-MINI CHALLENGE :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    We're going to start with a mini challenge of our mini challenge. For the first week, if you want to, let's see who can make it to next Friday with no LNS'ing (late night snacking). That is 10 nights = 10 hearts!

    If you're in, just list your name and your cut-off time for no more eating until the next day.

    I'll start:

    Shelle68 - 7:00pm except for Sunday and Wednesdays which it will be 9:00pm
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm in:laugh:

    I'm Kayla, almost 30 years old wife and mother of 3 girls, ages 9, 7, and 10 months. I am a a middle school teacher of Science isn't tha ironic, so I deal with nutrition somewhat trying to tell my students what to do.

    Here are my goals:
    starting weight 238(as of Monday 1/09/12)
    goal weight by Valentine's day 223

    I am hoping to accomplish losing 15lbs during this 4 week challenge which averages out to 3.75 per week
    I am committing to 5 days a week working out for morning and night, hopefully to burn 5,000 calories per week.
    Jillian Michael's 30 day shred-5x's per week M-F each morning
    Group zumba Tuesday and Thursday night
    Taebo video Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights
    Rest Saturday and Sunday

    Keep water intake at 64-80 oz per day

    You have a workout schedule comparable to mine. We can do this!
  • haydan7707
    haydan7707 Posts: 22 Member
    Count me in, My name is Brittany and I have two boys, 4 and 2.
    Starting weight 158
    Goal weight by Valentine's Day 149

    Im going to try and drink more water everyday and exercise 5 days a week.

    The mini challenge sounds great, no late night snacking after 7pm for me!
  • xprincessxjanetx
    I'm in for the late night snacking. Mine will be 8:30pm for every night.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member

    Each day you can copy and paste this list on a new post and put either a :heart: or a :grumble: after the letter of the week.

    Shelle68 (7:00pm) - W
    haydan7707 (7:00pm) - W
    xprincessxjan (8:30pm) - W
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    So, I haven't weighed myself in over a week. I'm actually at 121.4! :D Yay! So I'm chaning my goals!

    Start Weight: 121.4 (1/7 will weigh again tomorrow morning)
    Goal Weight: 115 (2/14) <-- Also my overall Goal weight!

    Keep sugar & sodium down.
    No chocolate until Valentine's Day!
    Stay within 1200 calories a day.
    Get at least 30 minutes in at least 6 days a week
    Eat more vegetables and less carbs
    Replace sweets (cookies, candy, cake, ect.,) with fruit.
    Try to only eat out every other week.
    STICK WITH THE CHALLENGE! <--- I sometimes forget things easily! So I'm going to make sure I really stick to this!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Mini Challenge Check In - No LNS'ing for 10 days!

    Shelle68 (7:00pm) - W - Y, Th
    haydan7707 (7:00pm) - W
    xprincessxjan (8:30pm) - W
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm in, no LNSing!! :smile: My cutoff is 9pm everynight starting tonight.