Scale addiction, need your help!

So I have been told that you shouldn't weight yourself everyday because your weight fluctuates. I believe I have developed a problem of stepping on the scale too often and freaking myself out. Recently I went from 172 to 168 in pretty much a day and kept it there for 2 days. I cheated again and got on the scale today and it said 172! Ahhhhh! I'm freaking out! It's Wednesday and my weigh in isn't until workout plan says to exercise three days a week but seeing that number makes me want to workout on my day off.....your opinion?!


  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Yep the scale will break your confidence.....go by how you look, how your clothes feel, etc.....weight fluctuates all the time and it will really make you feel crappy!!! It comes down to your diet and make sure you are drinking a lot of water!!! You can do it.....just put the scale away!!!
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member
    I too like to hop on the scale daily. More so for curiosity about how my weight fluctuates for no apparent reason vs. recording the weight. So my rule of thumb is to only post weight losses in any seven day period and so far it's been working. As long as I'm eating and exercising properly my mantra is "No Worries Mate. You doing this right!"
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    hi there! your weight will fluctuate from day to day, and even different time of the day makes a difference. i've weight myself before bed and then after getting up the next day, it's like 3 lbs different. so don't be obsessed! i think water retention, and how often you have your bowel movement will affect your weight too! i commit myself to weight every sunday morning right after getting up, before eating. i think keeping it consistent will see more of an accurate result in weight loss/gain. i think once a week is a good enough.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I have decided to only weigh once a month because I don't want to go crazy! I weighed January 1 and my second weigh-in will be January 31. Third will be February 28 or 29 (I can't remember how many days are in February this month lol) and so on.. I will weigh on the last day of every month. That way I will be super happy when I weigh because I will have all month to decide what I FEEL is working for me. This is my second time on this website and I've found some things work and some things don't! Don't psych yourself out... if you had already eaten or you hadn't used the bathroom, your weight may be higher than usual.
  • Samantha020691
    What do you mean by "cheating". Many times bad food has a ton of sodium in it. Try upping your water intake for the next few days. Upping ALOT. Your weight will go back down... its just temporary. I am addicted to the scale as well.. but it's good in a sense to know what foods work and what don't work.
    Work out if you want! It is a fun activity!
    hope this helps :)
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I too am addicted to weighing myself everyday too! BUT, I only log my weight every 2 weeks. I notice my weight go up and down (as much as 3-4 pounds) daily and I don't stress about it. If I really think about it, there is a valid explaination of why it went up. I don't long as I know I'm sticking to my plan the 99% of the Don't stress, you're doing fine!!
  • wtexanw
    One thing that might help you is if your scale is in the bathroom, like mine was for years, move it to a closet and get it out once a week to weigh yourself. Outta of sight outta mind :smile: Remember, it's the inches that matter!