easy office lunchs?



  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    First off, I brought a complete set of REAL utensils to work (no plastic). I keep a nice sized ceramic bowl and small dinner plate in my desk. I think meals are more enjoyable if we take our time and make them presentable.

    We have a microwave and a refrigerator available so our options aren't limited. Bringing food in is not only a great way to eat healthier, it is also MUCH less expensive. Some of my favorite meals are Select Harvest (reduced calorie or sodium) soups. I top them with a sprinkle of cheese or some other garnish (tortillas, onion, etc). On the dinner plate goes a 1/2 sandwich I've packed or maybe a nice tossed salad with freshly diced tomato and a hard boiled egg. There are so many different kinds of soup out there that I don't get tired of them. I limit myself to only one cream style soup a week. All the others are some kind of broth base. When soup gets old, I bring left-overs from dinner the night before (I always cook an extra chicken breast or ground beef patty). I pop a potato in the microwave and have a little salad on the side. I'm NEVER hungry iin the afternoons and have been able to stay out of the junk food the rest of my co-workers have a habit of eating around 3:00 p.m.

    Good luck with your meals. Don't be afraid to experiment. I do have to mention I get the occasional complaint from co-workers when I cook broccoli (they think it is stinky)! I only do that once in a while though.
  • jenniferijulia
    jenniferijulia Posts: 19 Member
    Bump! thanks for the great ideas!