Having knee surgery in 4 days...scared about my weight loss

I tried a cardio boxing class on 1/5, that afternoon I felt my knee get really stiff. After I showered, I wasn't able to straighten or bend it. Being an athletic trainer, I tried to assess my injury but being that I couldn't objectively examine myself, I went to see one of the orthopedic doctors that I work with. He said I had substantial fluid (whenever there is fluid in a joint, it means something in there is not happy). I got on anti-inflammatories for the weekend and was able to borrow an ice/compression machine for the weekend. On Monday, none of my swelling had gone down, raising some suspicion of this being more than just a knee sprain. I got an MRI the following day to see if there were any tears in any ligaments/cartilage that we had missed.
I have a quarter-sized piece of cartilage missing from my femur (thigh bone). We think the plyometrics from the class, caused that piece to move around in my knee, causing the swelling, it appeared to be above my knee cap now. I'm having one of the surgeons I work for operate on me to clean up any loose bodies in my knee and also biopsy healthy cartilage, from there he's going to send that to a lab in Boston that is basically going to clone my cartilage. In about 5 months, he's going to open up my knee and stitch in the healthy tissue and I'll be on my merry way.
I've never had orthopedic surgery, so even though I deal with athletes having them on an every day basis, I'm scared because I have nobody that is accountable for me besides me and I'll be too drugged up from the meds! With my athletes, I'm never scared for them because I trust the surgeons and as soon as they are cleared, they will work with me or a physical therapist. In my case, I'm afraid I'm going to be told, that since I have the knowledge, I'm to take care of myself, I don't feel comfortable doing that so I'm freaking out a little.
I have the week of my surgery off but will still have 3-4 days back to work on crutches, which I have told dozens of kids how to use but have never used for myself.

All around I'm scared that I'm going to go back to my very lazy ways because "my knee hurts" and I'm not going to keep up my 3-5x/week gym visits that I had done prior to my injury.



  • danimack
    danimack Posts: 18 Member
    I had knee surgery 4 weeks ago. I tore my ACL & MCL back in September. It's definitely been a difficult 4 months!! Just the continuous pain and having to change so many things about your daily routine is a struggle never mind not being able to keep up with your exercise routine. Seeing as how you do this for a living, I'm probably not telling you anything new but the doctor's will have you up and moving right after the surgery. For me the pain the first 3 days was horrendous. I just remember telling my husband to watch the clock & bring me the pain medication as soon as it was time for it. I started PT 3 days after surgery. It started off really slow, just a couple exercises. But now I'm using the bike & elliptical machine. The bike is still tough to use because of how much I have to bend the knee but it's manageable. Unfortunately it's a lengthy recovery period. I have little patience so this has been tough for me. I was also beyond scared of the surgery. But everyone was wonderful and I'm beginning to feel a lot better. I wish I had used this site when I had the surgery. I would have held myself more accountable. Just keep putting in your meals & tracking your calories. You'll be back at the gym before you know it!!! And feel free to add me as a friend! I know our surgeries are different but we can still give each other lots of support!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi there! Sorry you are injured and facing surgery. I had my third surgery almost 3 weeks ago and I'm in an immoblizer for 8 weeks (so I'm burning calories at a slug pace).

    My advice, take it easy but continue to log your calories. Set you activity level to sedentary and try and eat clean. I've not gained during my recovery which I attribute to logging each and everyday (even right after surgery).

    Good luck!
  • @RubyBeach...your post was just the motivation I needed to get back into logging my calories! I just had knee surgery 2 weeks ago and have been pretty down about it and totally fell of the Fitness Pal wagon but I'm going to jump back in! Thanks!!!!!!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I have had 2 knee surgery and 1 on my right knee.

    but Im back working out. I
    can do just about everything I did before. The only thing is liston to your body, when it tells you its to much back off. The only thing I really have a hard time with is running. I really want to run more but I just can not do it. So I have been using the ellipitcal instead. It seems to be wokring. Good Luck!!!