How many times do you work out?



  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I work out Mon. Tues. Thurs. and Fri. at the gym. I do 90 - 120 minutes with the elliptical, bike and treadmill. I was trying Zumba, but a bad knee injury has ruined that for me. No more lunges or squats :( I also do about 15 minutes on the resistance machines, I alternate legs and arms. On the weekends I try to get in a nice long dog walk.
  • I do Curves Fitness for women three times per week...walk about 2 miles every day and Zumba on Saturday.
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Currently 0 times a week. Aiming to do 3 times a week for 30 mins.
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    I run 3/4 times a week and I work in a bar 2 nights a week too. The bar...I know doesn't sound like exercise but it is! I get weight training in the sheer amount of times I'm loading and unloading the glass trays from the washer, the clean down at the end of the night is a pretty good burner too...and I get PAID for doing it!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Doing the 30 day shred right now! So 7 days a week, I suppose.
    Perfect for me as it's intense and only 20 minutes long! (I'm a college student and working, so fitness is hard to fit in!)
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I can't really seem to get into running very much, and we can't afford a gym membership right now. So, we usually aim to exercise at least enough to burn the calories MFP recommends for the day. Usually that either means walking at the park, playing Wii Sports, doing a vigorous cleaning of the house, (which can take up a whole day), or playing tennis. Sometimes basketball or baseball.

    The last time we did a heavy cleaning of the house, I ended up burning somewhere around 1800 calories for the day. And Nich burned around 1600.
  • karenyg
    karenyg Posts: 79
    I workout 6 days a week::

    Mon- Treadmill 35 min, 15 inclined sp 4.0, then toning for 45 min
    Tues - Boxing 35 min
    Wed - Zumba 1 hour
    Thurs - Treadmill 35 min, 15 inclined sp 4.0, then toning for 45 min
    Fri - Boxing 35 min
    Sat - Zumba 1 hour
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I don't work out.

    My calorie burning comes from cleaning and cooking right now mostly.

    When I'm feeling better (been sick lately) I'll go back to hula hooping.

    I don't do it with any frequency or schedule, just evenings when I want to eat more.

  • 5-6 times a week currently.

    I make it a point to get to the gym once a day Monday through Friday. In that time I'm currently doing 4 heavy lifting days where I'll do a bit of cardio (10 - 15 min) when I'm done if I have time, and one heavy cardio day where I go for the gold for 45 minutes.

    Sometimes I'll hop on my spinner on weekend days if I don't have anything else going on, but that's mostly just to burn up extra calories.
  • Mrsjenningsjr
    Mrsjenningsjr Posts: 149 Member
    I aim to do cardio 5-6days a week with a day of strength.
  • We have the Wii as well and right now with the "walk it out" game I am walking on average 6 or more miles a day. 60 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the evening. I have fibromyalgia and overweight (obese they call it) but with 30 years of back problems and not being able to move I can finally do it. In the last 6 weeks I am 16 pounds lighter and have made it hard for hubby to grab "love handles". lol
    100 minutes x 7 days
    plus housecleaning.......
    The walk it out is awesome I tried the wii fit and wii fit plus but was bored and not happy just jogging the same route all the time. With walk it out you build the island, find music (100 songs), walk to different songs some slow some that make you run. It is a great low impact exercise. I need to start to add a strength training in my day but have a lack of funds and not sure how to go about it. Good luck everyone. :heart:
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Usually 4.

    Monday is yoga and cardio.
    Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are workout days, with a weight lifting program and some HIIT.

    Wednesday, Friday and Sunday are almost always rest days, though on the occasional Sunday I'll do cardio as I don't lift again until Tuesday. If I do workout on these days, it's low intensity cardio. I love my off days, and so does my body.
  • Well, so far this week...

    M: 109 minutes walking (to the gym and back), 34 minutes strength, 20 minutes elliptical, and 30 minutes on the Curves circuit

    T: 30 Day Shred, levels 1&2 back to back, 16 minutes on the mini trampoline

    W: 40 minutes stationary biking (12.2 miles), 30 day shred, levels 1&2 back to back, 20 minutes on the mini trampoline

    planned for R: 20 minutes mini trampoline, 30 minutes stationary biking (minimum-depends on my son's nap), 30 minutes on the
    Curves circuit, and 30 Day Shred, levels 1&2.

    planned for F: 30 minutes on the Curves circuit, 30 minutes strength, 30 minutes arc, 30 minutes elliptical, and 30 Day shred, levels 1&2.

    I've been trying to lose my last 20 pounds for ever, so I'm doing a lot more strength and core muscle training than cardio. I used to do hardcore 90-120 minutes of cardio five or six days a week.
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I'm up to 5 days per week now, M-F. M/W/F I do a 45min walk/jog on my treadmill and T/Th I use the stationary bike for 30mins. When I get closer to goal I plan to get a gym membership so I can use the weight machines to tone up.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I get in 3 cardio workouts of 60 mins each over 3 days in the week, sometimes get a fourth if I'm at home on the weekends but doesn't happen often.
  • I'm just starting out, but I want to do atleast 30min of cardio a work day, either in the gym at my apartment (eliptical, treadmill or bike) or on my kinect in my living room (just ordered "your shape: total fitness 2012"). On my days off I plan on riding my mountain bike 1-2hrs depending on the weather.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I work out 5 to 6 days per week. Monday through Friday this time of year, I go to the gym here at work every day. We have the usual cardio machines, nautilus and free weight available along with workout DVDs and I do whatever sounds fun that day, no real routine. In the summer, I try to get outside as much as possible for runs or walks.

    On the weekends, this time of year, I go to a gym near home and try to get at least an hour in. I've been doing about 30 minutes of cardio with 20 minutes of strength. They also offer classes so I'm hoping to try Zumba this weekend and maybe spinning once my busted toe heals. In the summer, I take one day and go for a long (about 2 hours) walk/run and either rest the other day or take a shorter walk.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Zumba 3Xweek for 1 hour each time.
    Treadmill 2xweek 1 hour each time
    30DS 1 time a week -just because right now and my arms are killing me after the first day! LOL
    so 6x a week if I am lucky--life has a way of butting in!
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Right now I'm doing: Day 1 45 min elliptical and weight training.....Day 2 45 min elliptical and weight training.....Day 3 1 hour elliptical. Repeat. It's working out great for me. :)