bulking up :(



  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member

    You don't have to beg. Message me, and I'll tell you how. I also have details about the cat pee diet.

    LOL i love how all these people read your comment and then don't read any others, just auto-reponse: ZOMG NO WAI!

    Come on people, the over night comment made it all so obvious!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    That's really discouraging. :-( Have you measured recently? It's possible that you actually are losing inches, but aren't seeing it/feeling it in your clothes yet. Good for you for sticking with it, though!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You're not in a calorie deficit

    but if you look at her diary she's set only at like 1600 net.

    That doesn't make it accurate

    And she may be set at 1600 Net, but she is eating far less than that. Usually around 1600 before exercise is added in so only a net of 1000-1300 each day. Which by the way, is not enough while doing a program like P90X.

    OP try eating the recommended 1800 cals/day you will have more energy and perform better on every aspect of the workouts.
  • stephanielindley422
    Are you a woman? If so, don't lift weights. You will bulk up and look like The Hulk like overnight.

    Are you serious?

    Women are not going to bulk up if they lift weights! We are not built like the men....we will tone but not bulk up!

    I know...Thats why I was wondering if she was kidding or not...I get it now...My brain is turned back to on..no worries
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Keep going and don't eat back your cals. I didn't start to loose anything for at least 5 weeks and could not tell any difference. Then it all started to come off!

    bad advice, she should be eating the cals back if she is using MFP's calorie guidelines, otherwise she should follow the P90X plan which is a minimum of 1800 cals/day.

    Try doing your research by looking at her diary stats before commenting.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Keep going and don't eat back your cals. I didn't start to loose anything for at least 5 weeks and could not tell any difference. Then it all started to come off!

    bad advice, she should be eating the cals back if she is using MFP's calorie guidelines, otherwise she should follow the P90X plan which is a minimum of 1800 cals/day.

    Try doing your research by looking at her diary stats before commenting.

    I did, eating 1600 a day but buring 500, is a net of 1100, what are you looking at?
    Today 1400 cals (1000 Net)
    Tuesday 1700 cals (1100 Net)
    Monday 1400 cals (900 Net)
    Sunday 1650 cals (1150 Net)

    Net should never be lower than 1200 and while on P90X even higher.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I was like WHA? Then I realized who posted.

    I rarely post anything serious. (This is a rarety.)

    Aren't you a teacher? It's rarity. :wink:
    and ya...I know this...
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Keep going and don't eat back your cals. I didn't start to loose anything for at least 5 weeks and could not tell any difference. Then it all started to come off!

    bad advice, she should be eating the cals back if she is using MFP's calorie guidelines, otherwise she should follow the P90X plan which is a minimum of 1800 cals/day.

    Try doing your research by looking at her diary stats before commenting.

    I did, eating 1600 a day but buring 500, is a net of 1100, what are you looking at?
    It depends on HER BMR...she would still be in a deficit at 1100 most likely.
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    I lost 15lbs in the first month of p90x. I followed the ready made meal planner which is all 7 days on one sheet in the book, and didnt deviate 'at all'!. I worked each workout till sweat was pouring in my eyes. It works if you follow whats printed. Have a look at my profile, my p90x before and afters are on there. Friend requests welcome
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Ignore this post, mis read a response.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Not going to fight on here with people but I can tell you this. I ate about 1700 cals a day when i did P90x and had great results at the end with weight loss. I was trying to lose weight not bulk. I am 6 foot and weighed close to 195.

    Only a true beginner can get gains while in a deficit, otherwise you won't bulk without a calorie surplus.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Not going to fight on here with people but I can tell you this. I ate about 1700 cals a day when i did P90x and had great results at the end with weight loss. I was trying to lose weight not bulk. I am 6 foot and weighed close to 195.

    Only a true beginner can get gains while in a deficit, otherwise you won't bulk without a calorie surplus.

    You can gain initially but not for 90 days. Most likely some of the loss was muscle not just fat if you ate so little. Or was that 1700 Net?
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    You are not bulking on P90X. I have done 6 rounds and have not bulked. What you are noticing is water being stored in your muscles to protect them from the damage caused by lifting and to aid in recovery, which is making them seem bigger, but you will shed the excess water once your muscles get use to the work. Try drinking more water as well as that tends to help get rid of water retention. If you are in a caloric deficit it is even more unlikely that you added any muscle.

    not to hyjack this thread...(but maybe i am)...I have a question)

    I started my weight loss journey in September. I started out swimming, and bike ridding/ now am swimming 3 days a week and elliptical 3 days a week. Nov I was loosing an average of 2 pounds a week. Mid December I started 30 day shred. Did my weight and measurements yesterday, Had only lost 2 pounds in last month, and not really much in the inches department either. I was ok with this because of the holiday. Today for some unknown reason I got back on the scale...I have lost 3 pounds since yesterday....Is this why?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    not to hyjack this thread...(but maybe i am)...I have a question)

    I started my weight loss journey in September. I started out swimming, and bike ridding/ now am swimming 3 days a week and elliptical 3 days a week. Nov I was loosing an average of 2 pounds a week. Mid December I started 30 day shred. Did my weight and measurements yesterday, Had only lost 2 pounds in last month, and not really much in the inches department either. I was ok with this because of the holiday. Today for some unknown reason I got back on the scale...I have lost 3 pounds since yesterday....Is this why?

    It could be that you got use to or stopped the strength training so your muscles shed the excess water as it was no longer needed.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You are not bulking on P90X. I have done 6 rounds and have not bulked. What you are noticing is water being stored in your muscles to protect them from the damage caused by lifting and to aid in recovery, which is making them seem bigger, but you will shed the excess water once your muscles get use to the work. Try drinking more water as well as that tends to help get rid of water retention. If you are in a caloric deficit it is even more unlikely that you added any muscle.

    not to hyjack this thread...(but maybe i am)...I have a question)

    I started my weight loss journey in September. I started out swimming, and bike ridding/ now am swimming 3 days a week and elliptical 3 days a week. Nov I was loosing an average of 2 pounds a week. Mid December I started 30 day shred. Did my weight and measurements yesterday, Had only lost 2 pounds in last month, and not really much in the inches department either. I was ok with this because of the holiday. Today for some unknown reason I got back on the scale...I have lost 3 pounds since yesterday....Is this why?

    It could be any number of things, including water retention through the holidays if you were eating foods higher in sodium than usually, and the loss of that water now that you’re back on track. It could be that you slowed through the holidays, got your period, then with the absence saw a big drop (I fluctuate anywhere from 3 - 5 pounds through my period). Could be you had an excellent poo this morning. For me, daily weigh ins don’t tell me much, but looking at a weekly aggregate of information clears things up. I weigh in only on Wednesday’s because it give me enough time to get the weekend sodium water weight out of my system, so that’s one less variable in the weighing process.
  • jstreams
    Diet and exercise is needed. You are fine, you should be proud of yourself in fact. Just go on a low calorie diet and make sure you do some cardio/aerobic/yoga exercise in addition to your resistance exercise training.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I did P90X for a while and thought like you-weight isn't coming off, I'll add more cardio. PLEASE stop doing the extra work! ESPECIALLY if you are not eating enough to replenish those lost calories. You are going to set your body up for starvation mode.
    I think more worthy questions as opposed to your weight are how do you FEEL compared to when you started? Do you have more energy? Do you sleep better? Are you stronger? If you can answer yes to these, I view those NSV as more important in the long run than a number.
  • azhkrgrl
    azhkrgrl Posts: 507 Member
    After reading through the post and the responses, I have to say that Erickirb gives the most accurate advise and I am leaning more towards what he is advising. I am no expert so my word is not the final authority. It is simply based on the few pieces of materials that I have read with regards to weight training. Women do not, and cannot, naturally produce as much testosterone (one of the main hormones responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass. Your bodyweight depends on the amount of calories you eat & expend. Strength training will make you gain muscle & lose fat. But you'll stay at the same bodyweight unless you start eating more. From what I have read and understood, in order to maintain lean muscle mass, women should eat nutrient dense foods as snacks rather than energy dense food. You need to feed the correct balance of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat that is best for your body type. You will have to gauge whether or not you are eating enough to sustain your workouts. Good nutrition provides the body the fuel it needs to get through with these tough workouts. I know I cannot afford the services of a dietician but it is a worthwhile investment if you can find one.
    The scale is not always the best measure of the positive progress one is making. More energy, more self confident, having more stamina to tackle daily tasks and help in maintaining a healthy body weight are just some of the benefits. I agree with Bahacca's reply about NSV as well as not doing the extra work without the adequate nutrition.. You have done and accomplished so much and continue to be a great source of inspiration to me. I do applaud your efforts and determination.
  • azhkrgrl
    azhkrgrl Posts: 507 Member
    PS: A good book that I would recommend is The New Rules of Lifting for Women.