anyone else having this problem?



  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    my husband is aruging with the drs with me. he knows im eating not enough and he also knows ive been eating 400 cals or less a day since i was 14 or 15 years old and im now 27. i suffer with depression problems and memory problems to which i know arn't helped with not eating properly and then theres other heath problems which arn't helped. grrrr fell like im losing a battle i was never meant to win.
    First you said he told you that you eat too much, now you're saying that you don't eat enough. Which one is it?

    Please continue...
  • tiffanyvc
    And if you need help figuring out how to eat right, I think that using this website and doing some research will really help you. If you've been dealing with this problem for a long time, it's going to take a long time to fix it, but it is possible. And you'll need the help and support of your husband and your friends and family. Develop goals for yourself and strive to meet those goals. You won't be perfect every day, but it's helpful to have something to be working towards. Your first goal should be to learn how many servings of various food groups you should have in a day. Then, make a meal plan for yourself that gets you closer to having the right number of servings. Unlike what you'll hear frequently, it is NOT only about calories. I could eat only 1200 calories a day and be meeting my MFP calorie goal, but if I eat only Snickers to reach that goal, I'm not being successful. The kinds of food you eat makes a big impact.

    All of this, I learned on this website and from doing a bit of reading from nutrition textbooks. I promise, if you use it right, this website will help you.
  • livingaloha
    First off you definately need a new doctor! As far as not being hungry or thirsty it's because you are not getting enough nutrients/fluids daily. start out small, with small meals several times a day that you wont feel overwhelmed with, and small amounts of water, maybe a half cup at a time and slowly build up. But definately look for a new doctor, on the calories you are getting you could start to have organ damage, as well as many other serious health problems. Add me as a friend if you like, good luck to you.
    P.S. Maybe try some protein shakes using whey protein, froz. fruit, and almond milk(or liquid of your choice) they have good calories, protein, and other nutrients.
  • Determined24
    Determined24 Posts: 137 Member
    You need to eat at least 1200 calories maybe you can try to fix your food at night for the next day or possibly on Sundays for the week. You may have to eat 5 - 6 small meals throughout the day. 3 meals 2 snacks kind of thing that is what I do because I was having the same problem. You do not want to starve yourself cause then you will be just skinny fat and not healthy. You can do it just takes planning thats all that is what I had to figure out.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    IMO, with your history of eating too little a day, do not wait for hunger to strike before you eat. And you should do the same with water. Drink water before thirst sets in.

    Eat a little every time you eat but calorie dense foods.

    You also might want to see another doctor and tell the doctor your eating habits.

    Good luck.
  • witheringskeleton
    if you continue you might develop an eating disorder, one way or another. eating under 400 cals can cause you to go to starvation mode. and when you do eat after this 'starvation mode' thing, you'll gain more fats easily. this can distort your own body perception. trust me. go beyond 1200 cals at least and exercise accordingly. that's all i can tell you.
  • livingaloha
    Do you have a way to meet with a nutritionist/dietician? I think they could really help you
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    You need to eat more to just maintain your body and energy :(
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    The problems expressed in this thread seem to be way deeper than diet.
  • Coleyrole
    you are not eating enough. that will cause starvation mode and depression as well. you have to eat a minimum of 1200 cals a day to remain healthy. eating under ( I know that you are used to it) will cause depression, lack of energy, headaches, and so on. how many hours do you sleep at night? you body will hold on to everything you have and the scale won't change. the more you eat, the more your body has to work off, therefor the more your body burns naturally. you must eat to lose. I know it doesn't make sense but think of it as fuel for your body to survive. the more food you eat, the more things you can overcome and strengthen and get done. try small snacks a few times a day and it will eventually get easier.
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    The problems expressed in this thread seem to be way deeper than diet.

    I agree and are we getting the whole story
  • monkeypain1984
    monkeypain1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Do you have a way to meet with a nutritionist/dietician? I think they could really help you

    None the dr tried to get a dietician/nutristionist to see me at the hospital but they said they dont deal with people like me any more lol. so im on my own really or at least it feels like it
  • monkeypain1984
    monkeypain1984 Posts: 28 Member
    i know i am eating better than i have done in the past at my worst i was only eating a small meal usualy salad every 2 or 3 days and i got the same response from the dr then we will worry about your eating habbits when you get below your ideal weight.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Do you have a way to meet with a nutritionist/dietician? I think they could really help you

    None the dr tried to get a dietician/nutristionist to see me at the hospital but they said they dont deal with people like me any more lol. so im on my own really or at least it feels like it

    What did the dietician/nutritionist mean by "People like you"?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Do you have a way to meet with a nutritionist/dietician? I think they could really help you
    None the dr tried to get a dietician/nutristionist to see me at the hospital but they said they dont deal with people like me any more lol. so im on my own really or at least it feels like it
    What did the dietician/nutritionist mean by "People like you"?
    I hope that they aren't being racist, or anything.
  • Speedtrap
    Speedtrap Posts: 216
    i know i am eating better than i have done in the past at my worst i was only eating a small meal usualy salad every 2 or 3 days and i got the same response from the dr then we will worry about your eating habbits when you get below your ideal weight.

    You really need to find a new doctor, anyone that would not understand that eating habits and weight loss are directly connected probably got their medical degree for $49.99 at an on online university.

    Find a new doctor now.

    Once you have a new doctor get everything checked out and work with them to form a plan.
    If you can find one that has a nutritionist on staff, that is even better.

    one other this is to also ask for a referral to a psychologist that deals with stress and emotional eating. This well help to define your food triggers and control how you eat.

    I wish you the best of luck.
  • monkeypain1984
    monkeypain1984 Posts: 28 Member
    he always thought i wasn't eating enough and still arn't i typed much instead of little in my post. sorry about this. this mistake was only caught when my hubby read threw the postings.
  • monkeypain1984
    monkeypain1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Do you have a way to meet with a nutritionist/dietician? I think they could really help you
    None the dr tried to get a dietician/nutristionist to see me at the hospital but they said they dont deal with people like me any more lol. so im on my own really or at least it feels like it
    What did the dietician/nutritionist mean by "People like you"?
    I hope that they aren't being racist, or anything.

    The NHS apparently in my area no longer deal with people with weight problems or at least that was what the letter said that she showed me that she got back from the hospital.
  • monkeypain1984
    monkeypain1984 Posts: 28 Member
    you are not eating enough. that will cause starvation mode and depression as well. you have to eat a minimum of 1200 cals a day to remain healthy. eating under ( I know that you are used to it) will cause depression, lack of energy, headaches, and so on. how many hours do you sleep at night? you body will hold on to everything you have and the scale won't change. the more you eat, the more your body has to work off, therefor the more your body burns naturally. you must eat to lose. I know it doesn't make sense but think of it as fuel for your body to survive. the more food you eat, the more things you can overcome and strengthen and get done. try small snacks a few times a day and it will eventually get easier.

    i do suffer with depression, have no energy most of the time and have had more headaches over the last few days then i care to think about. most nights im lucky if i get 3 hours sleep. when i do sleep which isn;t really that oftern if left alone i can sleep 18 hours straight.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Do you have a way to meet with a nutritionist/dietician? I think they could really help you
    None the dr tried to get a dietician/nutristionist to see me at the hospital but they said they dont deal with people like me any more lol. so im on my own really or at least it feels like it
    What did the dietician/nutritionist mean by "People like you"?
    I hope that they aren't being racist, or anything.
    The NHS apparently in my area no longer deal with people with weight problems or at least that was what the letter said that she showed me that she got back from the hospital.
    Rationing, eh?