Yufit -- Your Gym in the Cloud!

FYI just wanted to pass along this great new resource for those of you who find it difficult to make it to the gym for group classes or get tired of repetitive DVDs like I do!

Yufit.com is on-demand/streaming fitness classes on your computer. Right now there are 10 different classes, including Yoga, Balletone, CoreBurn, Buns & Thighs and Kickboxing. New classes are posted twice a week so the workouts don't get stale. There's a free trial period and after that it's only $10 a month!

Just thought some of you might enjoy it! I've already used it at home, at the office during lunch break/in the evenings and while traveling. I find it's a great resource to keep me on track with workouts since I can access them when I can't otherwise go to the gym. And I appreciate the variety of stretching, cardio and strength classes (I especially like pairing CoreBurn with Buns & Thighs to get an hour of cardio and strength).

Hope some of you find this helpful!