Who has the time to work out?!



  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    I get the no time! My gym is only 2 blocks away and it is still almost impossible to get to. I was going 6 days a week before every other adult in the house started working and I am sooo happy they are all working now. I like to work out around 10 in the morning. I am a stay at home mom and I work from home. I am having a deffinite issue removing my butt from my bed early enough to get to the gym before everybody leaves for work in the morning! Hubby leaves at 6am, stepson #1 6:30am and #2 at 7:00am. The kids all get up between 5 and 6:30am. I am constantly running trying to get last nights dishes done the laundry done the house picked up swept and mopped as fast as possible so I can start my paperwork for the day! By the time I get that done it's like 4-5pm and it's time to make dinner bath the kids and try to slow down so I can hopefully get to bed by 10 otherwise I am a zombie at 4 when I have to get up.
    Basically I am busy really busy there are some days I spend all day in the car with the kids. On those day especially I need to get moving otherwise I would be asleep where I stood trying to make dinner! So my best advice is to find different ways to move. You may not have time or child care to go to the gym. So go for a walk it might be the only time you have during the day to clear your head. I walk my dogs one at a time my old shepherd just can't move it like he used to! then I walk the puppy and I take him on what we call the square around the square which is like 4 miles. I can do that in an hour and I like to do that right after dinner. It gives me the energy I need to finish off my day and I sleep much better for it.
    There are ways to get moving you just have to find them. We all have our busy lives to contend with. You have to find your niche for me the gym is hard to get to because I don't have child care or I would be there everyday.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    One of the things that one of my MFP pals said that really touched a nerve and stuck in my brain is this:

    You're either interested in losing weight or you're committed to losing weight.

    If you're interested then you'll fit it in whenever you feel like but it'll be nothing but a hobby you dabble in. If you're committed, then you will make absolutely sure that exercising and meal planning is part of your weekly routine. Motivation won't even be a factor because you're committed.

    So are you interested or are you committed? Only you can decide that.
  • jerryvo
    jerryvo Posts: 66 Member
    I also convinced myself that I have no time to work out. What I found is, like many others have stated, it is just an excuse. I have a full time job and 2 young kids in school so I understand limited time but that does not mean no time. Here is my daily schedule if it helps.

    6:00 Wake up and short walk with the dog
    6:15 show and get ready
    6:45 get kids ready for school, make breakfast for everyone
    7:15 out the door
    12:00 lunch break at work (10 min drive to gym, 30 minute workout, shower, 10 min drive back)
    [if you don't have a gym near by go outside and walk for 30 minutes or do something active in your office.]
    5:00 get off work and pick up kids
    6:00 make dinner
    6:30 play time
    7:30 bath time
    8:00 bed time / read story
    8:30 make lunches
    9:00 - 10:00 watch TV while lifting weights or push ups or yoga or something active
    10:00 get ready for bed

    It is not easy and it makes for a full day but there is always time to work out.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    ain't nobody got time fo that!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to turn it off. Discipline yourself to not go back to bed. Once you've done it a few weeks, it will be easier!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    If you want it, you will make time.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    If you want it, you will make time.

    True story
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I am serious about losing weight this year and eating 1200 a calories a day almost seems impossible to me. I have been going over by 100-200 cals a day :(
    I want to start working out and doing come cardio, however with school and work I just seem to be tired and not motivated. I would like to start getting up early in the morning and working out before my day begins but I can't seem to get myself out of bed. Any suggestions???
    Those extra cals may not be extra.
    And about the fatigue, as soon as you exert some effort to exercise, your energy will pick up within a few days. :)
    Also, a lot of my exercise is done in 20min-30min sections of time.
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    ain't nobody got time fo that!

    Holla!! Love this.

    I do crunches, curls and presses with small dumbbells (20 lbs) at work every day. It only takes a few mins to do each. There should be some kind of exercise you can do during the day.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Everyone is busy. I take care of a disabled husband, a 9-year-old son and I work full time as well as volunteer at my son's school and with his cub scout pack. However, I still manage to get out of bed and walk, hike or bike every single morning before work. You just have to decide what is important and do it. Yes, I'm tired. Yes, it would be soooo much easier to stay in bed and get that extra hour and a half of sleep, but that won't help me get to my goal, so I make the decision every morning to haul myself out of bed whether I want to or not and move my body. If you allow yourself to make excuses to not exercise, you won't ever exercise. Like the Nike slogan says: "Just do it."
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Also, you can go to bed a little earlier, and get up earlier. I do this and it is so efficient!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Hoestly, I Love to workout and look forward to it most of the day, so for me I make time for it. I consider it as important as eating or sleeping. I have 3 kids and just about every second of my life is planned out to the second because I am always super busy. So, I just have to schedule it in like any other appointment. Most days it's evening either before or after dinner. Either way, if I had to put my kids to bed and go at 8:00 I would do it because it's on my priority list. Once you start to do it each day your body will start to crave the exercise and then you will be excited to figure out when you can fit it in. (I have no advice about the morning workouts because I also Looove sleep)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    First a quote: Saying yes to too many things is saying no to one's priorities.

    Then I suggest finding the joy in this, because it can be happiness-inducing rather than a Project That Causes Gritted Teeth To Appear.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    If you are as serious as you say you are you will find the time....just get up... after a few weeks it will be no problem.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I am serious about losing weight this year and eating 1200 a calories a day almost seems impossible to me. I have been going over by 100-200 cals a day :(
    I want to start working out and doing come cardio, however with school and work I just seem to be tired and not motivated. I would like to start getting up early in the morning and working out before my day begins but I can't seem to get myself out of bed. Any suggestions???

    You need to find something that you like/enjoy to do for your workout, then you will be motivated to get up early and do your workout.
    Have you tried Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred? You can find it on You Tube. There are three levels, start with level one and do it for 10 days (or longer if needed) and progress from there. Its only 20 minutes a day and you will be amazed at your transformation in just 30 days.

    It takes 21 days to develop a new habit .. you can do this ... for YOU!!!! :happy:
  • mrst17
    mrst17 Posts: 14
    I run into this problem a lot too, I work full time and go to school as well. Here is what I have done:

    1. I got a stand/sit convertible desk for my office. I stand half the day. I've noticed an increase in my metabolism, and I burn a few extra calories this way, which add up over time. Plus, you fidget more when you stand, which burns more calories.

    2. When I need a break from work I go for a short walk around the building.

    3. 3-4 times a day, I close my office door and do 10 squats, or 10 lunges, 10 push-ups, a yoga stretch, or just a little bit of whatever. This only burns a few calories, but it adds up. I've read recent research that suggests that small bursts of exercise increase your overall energy level and metabolism. If you don't have a private office, sneak off to a bathroom and use the handicap stall, or if you're brave just do it right in front of your co-workers and who cares what they think.

    4. I still try to work out at least a half hour 3-5 times a week. I do exercise that I enjoy, so the hard part is getting going. I usually tell myself, "OK, I'll just get out there for 5 minutes and see how I feel, then I can stop if I want". I often find myself going for 40 minutes to an hour because I actually have a lot of fun once I get started.

    Don't beat yourself up over not having time for full exercise sessions. If you can do small things here and there throughout your day they can add up to the equivalent of a full work out session, and can actually be better for your metabolism.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    If you are serious about losing the weight then you make time. Once you get into a routine of exercising it gets easier.
  • SmoothRiko
    SmoothRiko Posts: 193
    Everyone says the best time to work out is in the morning, to jump-start the metabolism. Although I partially agree, I too cannot make it out of bed in the morning and I rather use the time to get ready for work rather than work out.

    I work out 2 hours in the evening before bed, it's the second to last thing I do before I thank God for letting me live to see another day.

    With night work outs, I've lost approx 7 lbs so far and I JUST started this weight loss routine. Try the night time!
  • water_coloured
    water_coloured Posts: 81 Member
    I'm sure everyone can set aside 30-60 minutes to exercise. It doesn't even have to be every day. 3 days a week is a good start. If you have time to watch TV or sit in front of your computer, you have time to work out.
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi there!! Well......I work full time M-F (7-1530) and Im a wife and mommie of four. I take my gym bag with me to work and go directly to the gym after work for about hour or so five days a week! It feels so good, I love it and its almost addicting hehehe!! Its the best part of my day!! :wink: