Scales: Is there a difference?



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    my scale and the gym scale weighs 3 lbs difference which one would you go by the least or the more

    Your question makes me think of that part in "Dodgeball" where Ben Stiffler's character tells his assistant to add five pounds to the scales in the women's locker room. :laugh:

    What kind of scale is at your gym? Is it one of those big medical behemoths or a digital?
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    LOL, I totally forgot about that part in the movie!

    The one part that was so memorable for me, was when Rip Torn was throwing all sorts of things at the team, trying to "train" them up.

    Loved when he started throwing the wrenches, too funny. Justin Long was hysterical in it.

  • lucor001
    I think the old fashioned scales you see in dr. offices and gyms (with the sliders on top) are the most accurate. Other than zeroing them out (which I check every time I use the one at the gym) there doesn't really seem much that can go wrong with them (usually on the top, there's a screw on the left side with a weight). I've seen them stick a bit, but that's rare and obvious when it happens.

    That said, the digital scales can be quite good, a load cell if treated properly should be very accurate. However, my experience is they are also more delicate. No jumping on them, etc... (I don't do that but my kids do)

    The old school home scales (spring scales) seem to be the worst option. This is what I have at home - and I never use it :).

    An even more interesting option is the Wii Balance Board which seems to be very accurate - at least a pretty good quality digital scale.

    I agree with the advice on always weighing at the same time of day, etc... I also only weigh in once a week (I may check it a 2nd time if I need some encouragement - or discouragement :) ). Mostly this is because day-to-day it seems like it can vary quite a bit, but if I'm really doing what I should be then week to week it always decreases some amount. That way I don't check on Monday, then again on Tuesday and it's higher and I get discouraged.