Afraid to Weigh

This seems silly, since I don't even know for certain what my starting weight is...I just know what it was when I went to the doctor in November, and what it was during a Health Assessment at work prior to that. But I'm thinking since the numbers were similar and both done on a "doctor's scale" that is probably my starting weight.

I've been counting cals on MFP since the 5th, and I'm back on the bike again, slowly working back up to the hour-long rides I used to do...

Even if I'm not at exactly 1200 cals a day, I know I'm at much less cal-wise than I had been...and I "feel" less jiggly, if that makes sense.

But I'm afraid to weigh myself. If the numbers are the same...I know I won't give up, but I will be bummed.

(I actually don't even own a scale, but there is one at work I can use. I threw mine away at home because I'd obsessively weigh. I mean...not like clinically obsessive, but like...too much...more than once a day is just silly.)

How often do you weigh? Should I weigh regularly?

I know that no matter what, I'm making healthy choices. But I want to lose 20% of my body weight (oh that looks so impossible when I type it! ) and I want to see some action!


  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Isn't it sad when you make a post, only to watch it fall to the bottom of the recent posts, with no replies...:sad:
  • oharabears
    I read a great quote this morning regarding weighing yourself: "Get on the scale if you have to, but don't give it any more power over your life than you would, say, your toaster!" LOL! If you think weighing will bum you out, don't do it! Get out a tape measure or check how your fav pair of jeans fit. If you're feeling "less jiggly", I'll bet you're losing inches...keep on doing what you're doing and don't worry about the numbers!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'd say just weigh in once a month if you'd like. Once you get to goal, it may be necessary to weigh weekly to make adjustments to your maintenance plan. There isn't any need to weigh in too often. I know what you mean about the scale driving you crazy. When you do weigh in, whether it's once a week or one a month or whatever.. Make sure it's under the same circumstances each time. Same scale, same clothes, same time of day (I.e. In the AM before you eat or drink and after using the bathroom) that way it's accurate. It's amazing how little differences can cause huge fluctuations and not represent true fat gain/loss.
  • smflagmeier
    They say not to weigh yourself more than once a week. I am an obsessive weigher and do it every morning now that I am losing weight but that was not always the case. I started working out intensely back in June. I didnt lose much weight over 6 months of working out 6 days a week (I wasnt as in control of my diet as I am now). I stopped weighing myself at that time because it bummed me out. Instead I focused on the fact that I was HEALTHY. I could run farther, lift more, was less stressed and I had a different attitude toward working out. Also, my clothes started to fit a bit better than before. Those six months got me ready for my now, "hard core" dieting WITH exercise. I think that if you dont want to step on the scale then dont do it. Go by how you feel!
  • tafkam08
    tafkam08 Posts: 5 Member
    I totally understand. I hadn't planned on weighing til the end of January, however, I relented and weighed. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined, but bad nonetheless. I will weigh now once a week. A good friend told me to use the scale as a motivator and not as a deterrant. I know it's hard..but we can do it!
  • CaliChica
    Get on the scale with your camera....close your eyes and take a photo of your weight (so you have a starting point). Keep working out and when you are ready to face the scale, just refer back to that photo. Then you'll have a way to measure your progress. Or, just keep working out and use another method to measure progress like how clothing fits or your inches. Good luck...hang in there!! It took me a solid 2 weeks of dieting before I was able to initially face the scale.
  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    I am right there with ya....I havent weighed for two weeks since being back on the wagon and I am afraid of the numbers...
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    I used to do it everyday, but now I am seeing a doctor every 2 weeks so I will mostly just do it then. Of course, sometimes I just can't control myself and still step on at home! Tell you what though...whenever I stop weighing myself regularly...that's when the weight creeps back on!!!
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    I weigh in once a week on a Monday and just hope for the best! :smile:
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    The scale is only a tool - it cant hurt you if you don't let it. If you are feeling good and doing the right things then I am sure that things cant be that bad. I weigh daily at the moment and for 5 days a week see no change ....but the buzz when you get that day when you throw off another 400....500 or 800 grams is worth it.

    Once I get past the first two months I plan to go back to weekly weigh-ins
  • KeegansMomma
    I weigh in once a week. I was weighing myself daily for a while...but that made me bonkers because the weight would fluctuate and I'd get discouraged.

    Also, you'll never know where you're at now if you don't step on a scale. :) You might be surprised at where you're at.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    They say once a week so you won't get discouraged by occasional upticks due to water weight gain or muscle gain (muscle weighs more than fat, so as you get more fit you could gain weight. I am motivated by the small daily losses that I've experienced, especially when I cross a threshold of 10 lbs.--like <240, <230, etc. and it makes me drive harder towards the next.

    To each his/her own. Do what makes you comfortable, but without. Feedback, you can't know if what you are doing is working.
  • AnastasiaVegGIrl
    Um, I could have written this post. Everything execpt the doctors visit thing. I hear ya on everything. I am doing great - and I'm sure you are too. I don't have a scale at home either. I'm weighing in twice a month, starting next week. Lets do this together!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Do it now!! Weigh yourself, take your measurements - and take photo's (in clothes that you can later post online - not your undies!!)

    To me my biggest motivator is not my "after photos" - it is going back to my befores - and knowing that I will NEVER allow myself to go back there again!! And we need every single success story we can here on MFP!!

    And weigh at at least once a month (preferably weekly) - take new measurements - and new photos every month too....

    In the end of the day it is not about where you start - it is about where you are going - but please do yourself a favour and record the beginning - my start photos I only took when I had already lost 20lbs, and it does bum me out a little bit.... but hey - the ones I have is bad enough

    Good luck - you can do this - and you will look back on today as the start of a wonderfull new life!!
  • MomSlom
    MomSlom Posts: 11
    I weigh myself every Tuesday morning and here's my logic. I'm really "good" during the week but give myself a little break on the weekends. Then on Monday I get back to the "good" routine -- exercise and watch the calories. Then on Tuesday morning I weigh myself and except for some back-sliding during the recent holidays I have lost about a pound a week. Sometimes even two pounds. It doesn't seem like much but I keep telling myself -- if you are 50 pounds lighter a year from now how great would that be?

    Trust yourself -- if you really are keeping your calories reasonable and doing the exercise the pounds will slip away.

    Good luck!
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Weighing everyday would probably be too much noise, but weighing weekly can let you know if what you are doing is on track. Weighing is not as important as "measuring", though, so you could use an alternate measuring like measuring inches.

    Especially is you are exercising, you could easily run into a time when you need to eat more calories in order to continue losing weight (I know it sounds crazy, but it's true). Some kind of measurement can help you find those plateaus.

    Either way, keep it up.
  • shipwreck3
    Just remember that the number on that scale can reflect water retention etc. My husband went for a physical and that is the only time he has weighed in. He started his diet, and has dropped several sizes. He doesnt want to know what the scale say...says it would mess him up. Everyone is different. Me I gotta know.. Good or Bad.. I just take it for what it is. I know usually when I have a big drop- the scale usually will bounce up and down for a few days til it settles out. Just know that u arent the only one out there that hates the scale. On ur journey u will develop a love-hate relationship with it. :) Goodluck.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the wonderful encouragement!! Okay...I am going into work early to hop on that scale...:happy:
  • aarnette
    I reluctantly get on the scale once a week. I have to tell myself what ever the scale says it does not change my weight! I usually find it motivational what ever it says
  • Healthy1Gregg
    Great advice. By the looks of things, what you are doing is working. Great pic. Have a healthy day!