Has any one tried the Eat Clean Diet?

Has anyone tried it and had success? I have made a commitment to eat as "clean" as possible and i am wondering if others have tried it with success. :bigsmile:


  • afwood
    afwood Posts: 6
    I have tried it and was not successful but I do know many people who have been successful. Good luck
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    It works. I eat clean every day with fantastic results. ;)
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    what exactly IS the eat clean diet ?
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 978 Member
    *Excerpt from eatcleandiet.com:

    Eating Clean is treating your body right.

    It is eating the way nature intended. You eat the foods our bodies evolved to function best on, and that makes you feel – and look – fantastic. When you Eat Clean you eat more often. You will eat lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. These practices keep your blood-sugar levels stable and keep you satisfied. The best part is that if you need to lose weight it will happen almost without you having to try. And yes, you can have a treat now and again.

    Best of all, Eating Clean keeps you feeling great and full of energy. In fact, you can forget all about the days when “dieting” meant feelings of hunger, lethargy or deprivation.

    Eating Clean is not a fad; it’s a way of life. When you Eat Clean your body will react by losing weight if you need to lose, maintaining a healthy weight if that’s where you are, and even gaining weight if you are too skinny. But regardless of whether you want to lose, maintain or gain, you will feel better than you ever have before.

    Never worry about counting calories again. You will never have to diet. Eating Clean will keep you lean and healthy for the rest of your long life. Eating Clean guarantees results!

    * I really like eating clean. I always feel like I have more energy. Last year I was following the principles and I lost 30lbs in about 5 months. I still have a way to go to get to my goal weight (and I picked back up some of my unhealthy habits), but since I committed to eating clean again, I've had more energy and I never feel hungry.
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    I have! Its awesome-no nonsense-simplel! You are never hungry.....ever....Its crazy, you eat so much, so for people who enjoy eating, its perfect. And eating 6 times per day keeps your metabolism on fire (as well as exercising) When eating clean, I feel great. I am currently trying to eat as clean as I can. But still have terrible habits I am trying to overcome.

    I also find it hard to calorie count on most days because of the quantity you need to consume. (puts you over 1200 for sure!)

    Anyone else find this challenging?

    Cheers Mel :drinker:
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    It still doesn't tell what are you eating? are you eating more fruits/veges?
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 978 Member
    At every meal you eat a lean protein and a complex carb (which could come in the form of whole grains, fruits and veg) and you are also eating 2-3 servings of healthy fat (flaxseed, olive oil, avacodos etc.). A couple main points of eating clean are eating foods as close to their natural state (no processed, sugar laden, chemically altered foods) and eating about every 2-3 hours. It's nothing outrageous. It's about putting the right fuel in your body. I have found that there is a way to 'clean up' almost all of my favourite recipes. This way of eating is something that can be sustained for a lifetime.

    To get a specific meal plan you would have to purchase the book. I'm following the principles not the exact plans.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    "no processed, sugar laden, chemically altered foods'

    I feel much better eating fresh foods.

    I'm trying to do it, I have my slips now and then like I eat 1/2 a canned biscuit last night
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 978 Member
    I have! Its awesome-no nonsense-simplel! You are never hungry.....ever....Its crazy, you eat so much, so for people who enjoy eating, its perfect. And eating 6 times per day keeps your metabolism on fire (as well as exercising) When eating clean, I feel great. I am currently trying to eat as clean as I can. But still have terrible habits I am trying to overcome.

    I also find it hard to calorie count on most days because of the quantity you need to consume. (puts you over 1200 for sure!)

    Anyone else find this challenging?

    Cheers Mel :drinker:

    My calorie goal is about 1570 (without exercise) everyday. I have such a hard time meeting the goal even though I'm eating all day. I did lose 2lbs this week trying to stay around 1450-1570 cals. I agree, you are never hungry when you are eating clean. I have also found that I have way more energy and I've unconsciously been cutting down on the amount of coffee I drink. I think that as long as you can try to eat clean 80% of the time you'll still see the benefit. I just try to be as good as possible and not beat myself up if what I eat isn't 100% clean. Making small changes as I go has really helped.
  • I looked into it but chose not to follow that path for my own reasons but I have a friend that lost 90 pounds by making the commitment to the eat clean lifestyle.
  • Munchi8175
    Munchi8175 Posts: 73 Member
    I have not personally tried it but my Aunt Marg has and loves it! She has been very successful on it.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    My goal in general is to make each day as clean as possible - though I'm far from perfect.

    But yes, it gave me the abs I always wanted. And as others said - it is very sustainable "diet" - one that you can do for life. And it's good for you! No gimmicks - just healthy, nutrient packed food!
  • It sounds just like the Body for Life meal plan.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    In English terms, you never use canned, frozen meals, boxed, preprocessed, foods... You always use fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and seafood, unprocessed all natural grains.

    With the exception of most grains and most fruits, Ive always consumed a clean-eating lifestyle. It really needs to stop being referred to as a diet because its not a diet at all. Its what our doctors have been screaming for patients to do for decades if not centuries...

    For someone like me, "Moderation" will never apply because of medical conditions, food allergies and sensitivities.... Im actually planning on making some old-school homemade Asian tonight for dinner - will probably focus on vietnamese for my appetizer and japanese for my dinner - both countries offering excellent examples of how you can continue to eat real foods (no noodles or rice for me, but will make them for my husband), the way we all should be consuming (IMHO)..

    My Ticker is proof, that it isnt a diet.....
  • Have you picked up a Clean Eating Magazine yet? Great articles and recipe ideas!

    I wouldn't say I'm on an Eat Clean Diet (first I don't like the word 'diet' and second I don't follow this plan to the letter). But it's true, if you lay off the high fat/sodium/sugar laden processed foods your body will thank you by dropping some of those pounds. I'm a fanatic about reading labels, and this has definitely worked for me. 19 lbs lost since August 28th. 1 pound to go!

    My husband has finally started eating like I do - conscientiously making healthier food choices - and is noticing a big difference right away.