new mother looking to get back into shape

Hi everyone! I am a new mother of a 6 week old. I am joining to keep me honest and to stick to a fitness plan. I would like to get back into shape and could use some support. I am also looking into getting into the triathlon world. I used to be a competitive swimmer, but it's been a few years and my body isn't like it used to be. My goal is to lose about 25 pounds overall. The best benefit though would just be getting back into shape so when my son gets older I can run around and keep up with him. I will be going back to work full-timish soon and working towards master's degree, so it will be hard to find the time and motivation to keep working out.


  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Welcome to the journey. My youngest is 13 months and I'm still working on the last 10lbs.
  • AnewNisha
    AnewNisha Posts: 42 Member
    I am a new mother trying to get into shape aswell, we can motivate each other