350 calories for one week?

jessesauder Posts: 1
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition
alright so over Christmas break i gained a bunch of my weight back. so what i decided to do was this made up diet for only 1 week and the return to my 1300-1500 calories a day diet.

my diet looks like this

1 cup soy milk
1 fruit

can of v8 fusion light
1 fruit

van of original v8
1 fruit
sometimes a cup of broth.

my main question is will doing this for just a week effect my metabolism all that much? I'm slightly concerned that when i up my calories to 1300/1500 I might start gaining weight because of my metabolism possibly slowing down.


  • Won't your body go into starvation mode after a week of nothing?
  • KarlDR
    KarlDR Posts: 55 Member
    Sounds like a bad idea to me. Why risk harming your metabolism, and perhaps more importantly, why punish yourself? That's why people fail, you should just eat healthily and well and the weight will come off.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member

    This is a terrible idea.
  • Definitely a bad idea!!! Your body is going to go into panic mode and will try to hold on to everything you eat because it doesn't know when it will get its next solid meal. So when the diet is over whatever you eat, your body will store as fat because its use to you not eating. Just maintain a healthy diet. Losing it any faster is not worth putting your body through the turmoil and possibly causing you to fail your healthy diet. GOOD LUCK HONAY!!!
  • As a general rule the body functions on 1200 calories a day, that keeps the vital organs functioning (very specifically the heart) in a healthy way. Please, please, please don't strain your heart in an effort to lose weight!

    If you're so worried about the weight you put on, don't punish yourself, instead, eat 1200 calories in chunks throughout the day. That will ramp up your metabolism! I really do not recommend the list you have there.

    Instead go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/445876-100-snacks-under-100-calories

    And scoop up a bunch of yummy calories in 100 calorie spurts. Never being hungry will kick your metabolism into overdrive. Your metab look at that fat it's stored up and think "I don't need that anymore!"

    If you starve it, it'll get desperate, and hold onto that fat for dear life.
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