irrational fears



  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    I posted this before, but ill give some new people nightmares xD

    I am ungodly scared that I will be on the toilet (very vulnerable!) and a spider or bug will appear.

    Best way to describe it so people know what I mean:

    thanks. i must of missed it before but I will now lift up the seat of every toilet i use for the rest of my life.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I am scared there are sharks or monsters in swimming pools so I refuse to go in the deep end unless other people are swimming as well. I know it is silly and I even check the pool before I get in but, I can't shake it. lol
  • Maria_t02
    I posted this before, but ill give some new people nightmares xD

    I am ungodly scared that I will be on the toilet (very vulnerable!) and a spider or bug will appear.

    Best way to describe it so people know what I mean:

    Oh my word! I that is horrible! I hate using public bathrooms! I will hold it as long as i can!
  • j_hark1022
    j_hark1022 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks, Sunshine! Now I'll always have to look under the seat. Those things were HUGE!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I have had the fear forever! Then stumbled upon that one day on reddit. Now I'm scared of all bathrooms heh xD
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    When I am in a movie theater, classroom, etc I always sit next to the exit in case someone tries to shoot up the place. Maybe that is just paranoia.

    That's along the same lines as me. I don't sit with my back to a door- any door. I want to see who's coming in and assess whether they pose a threat. It's so ingrained into me that I won't even sleep with my back to my bedroom door.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I posted this before, but ill give some new people nightmares xD

    I am ungodly scared that I will be on the toilet (very vulnerable!) and a spider or bug will appear.

    Best way to describe it so people know what I mean:

    I didn't have that fear before but I do now!

    My boyfriend threw a pincher bug in the toilet once because it somehow got inside our house. Now eachtime my daughter sits on it I have to explain to her that it's gone far far away and it won't get her.. Nice job DAD!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I don't have an irrational fear. I barely have any rational fears either.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I posted this before, but ill give some new people nightmares xD

    I am ungodly scared that I will be on the toilet (very vulnerable!) and a spider or bug will appear.

    At least I'd be in the right place if I *did* see one.:laugh:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    I didn't have that fear before but I do now!

    My boyfriend threw a pincher bug in the toilet once because it somehow got inside our house. Now eachtime my daughter sits on it I have to explain to her that it's gone far far away and it won't get her.. Nice job DAD!

    I'm 20 years old and still have the exact same fear. If my roomie kills a bug for me and flushes it I am scared to sit down for a couple of days xD

    There was a hornet in my room on the window. I slept downstairs on the couch for a few days until my roomie went in and killed it. I slept on the couch for another couple of days "just in case" xD
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I think of them every day and dream of them..this has been going on since 1969!!
    Thanks mom for taking me to see Night of The Living Dead when I was 9!
    When Im on my Fedex route making deliveries Im constantly judging places.."oh thats a bad house! when they come, theyll get in easy!" . "Oh excellent fence!" lol!
    I really wish I could stop.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    I posted this before, but ill give some new people nightmares xD

    I am ungodly scared that I will be on the toilet (very vulnerable!) and a spider or bug will appear.

    Best way to describe it so people know what I mean:

    OMG This is the same for me!!!! FREAKY!!!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Buffets! I could NEVER bring myself to eat from a buffet. When I think about all the different people touching the handles and picking through everything I freak out. Yuck.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I have this irrational terror that one day I'm going to look in a mirror, and there's going to be someone or something horrible standing behind me. Horror movies are definitely not my thing. :frown:
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    Buffets! I could NEVER bring myself to eat from a buffet. When I think about all the different people touching the handles and picking through everything I freak out. Yuck.
    This is my fear too! lol
    I just.. I can't do it..
  • lindsaykey
    lindsaykey Posts: 9 Member
    Do you have an irrational fear?

    I ~don't~ mean being scared of heights or snakes - those are actual things people are often confronted with. I'm talking bat *kitten* crazy fears over things that will never ever happen.

    I have two.

    1 - When I'm at the zoo, I am terrified my kids will fall into the hippo pool. (hipposRDangerous - you totally remind me of this) No, my kids aren't scaling the pool enclosure or anything, but it's pretty much the only thought in my head while standing there.

    2. - When driving by any body of water, I fear the car will go in and I'll be faced with 3 kids in car seats that I will have to somehow hold my breath and save them all - AFTER the car is totally filled with water (mythbusters taught me how to get the door open underwater) and it scared the crap out of me. Like cold sweat fear.

    as a zookeeper, you are totally right on the dangerous part. however, if the hippos have been raised in captivity, as most have by now in the US, they would probably me much more afraid of someone coming in with them than protective. They are terribly neophobic creatures, and do NOT like anything new in their enclosure. At my zoo we have even been trying to train the hippos to "kiss" paper and canvas for valentines day painitings to sell, and they are so scared of the paper they wont even come out of their water!
    but as a general rule and something that frustrates me EVERY SINGLE NOT stick any body parts into any enclosure, ever. You are right to be paranoid! They will eat you
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    2. - When driving by any body of water, I fear the car will go in and I'll be faced with 3 kids in car seats that I will have to somehow hold my breath and save them all - AFTER the car is totally filled with water (mythbusters taught me how to get the door open underwater) and it scared the crap out of me. Like cold sweat fear.

    I'm totally with you on this. Where we live, there are retention ponds on every corner! A few years ago, a mom and her three teenage daughters died. They had called 911 and their family from the car, but never tried to get out. My kids are thankfully old enough to swim now, but it still freaks me out. I have gone over the "escape plan" several times with them!

    I also have a completely irrational fear that a helicopter will fall from the sky and kill me. I have had recurring dreams with this happening.
  • mflinn84
    Do you think about these things when you're not near water, or um - hippos? I mean, being fearful is normal, human, and well, good. I get all psyched when I watch jellyfish on tv week but I don't truly get my hackles up until I'm wearing fins and a snorkle. If you find yourself getting in a cold sweat when you and your kids are in no danger, you might......bring it up to your doc and see what she thinks.

    I was very, very ill as child and I had a lot of painful tests done, picked up an infectious pathogen in hospital, had an operation, went into anaphalactic shock once, had my lungs fill with fluid at night for two weeks and no one knew why. I could swallow two pills at a time without water at 11 years old, I was on so much medicine. Not to mention the inhalers.

    My point is this: I'm healthy now. But I' became so irrationally fearful of disease that I would irrationally think a nurse would mess up giving me a shot and accidently give me a disease. Or I would freak out a little if someone touched me. I'm smarter than that but I couldn't help it. Started anti-anxiety meds and after about a month - I have chilled out a lot. Just a thought. I hear this is actually a pretty common thing so no reason for you to feel bad about it.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    When ever the hubby doesn't come home when he says he'll be home and then doesn't answer his phone I always think the worst. I've always been that way. I know the reason he's not answering is because his phone is in his center console hooked up to play his music and it's a hassle to answer the phone, but it still unsettles me. It doesn't help that he drives like a freaking maniac....
  • mandana_18
    mandana_18 Posts: 30 Member
    Elevators, I have dreams about them falling with me in them and me dying.


    Along that same line anything with a mask.