has anyone tried Zumba?

I'm going to try it tonight at my gym and I wanted to know what to expect.


  • A lot of people love it and swear by it...I have no rhythm and feel like a beached wale when I do it. LOL.
  • samilynn005
    samilynn005 Posts: 42 Member
    A lot of people love it and swear by it...I have no rhythm and feel like a beached wale when I do it. LOL.

    Is it dancing?
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I have and love it. I cant dance and have 2 left feet but I get out there and move and shake and usually burn 500-600 calories in an hour and have a blast doing it!
  • tmhowla
    tmhowla Posts: 24
    You can go on youtube and find Zumba videos from other instructors across the nation. I have tried a couple and it's really cool and works you out.
  • Sulin1
    Sulin1 Posts: 1
    I do it, and i love it!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    I have tried both the DVDs and I have taken a class at my school's Rec Center. It is a LOT of fun so it makes you want to work out =] Unfortunately, it always makes my calves tighten up because it is a lot of twisting and stepping, but that's just me.

    Its a great way to get cardio in =]
  • A lot of people love it and swear by it...I have no rhythm and feel like a beached wale when I do it. LOL.

    Is it dancing?
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    I'm a zumba addict!

    If you're having issues "sticking" it just means that you're not using the proper shoes. I know it's not practical to buy a separate pair of dance shoes, but consider a shoe you have in your closet that isn't so grippy. I had the same issue with my knees and joints hurting after because my shoes were too grippy. I switched to a different brand of gym shoe and my problem was solved.

    Hope you love zumba as much as I do!
  • Kristy4022
    Kristy4022 Posts: 6 Member
    I love zumba! I used to dance multiple times a week when I was younger so it brings me back to those days. It's Latin inspired. If you are worried about being coordinated, go to the side of back of the room and just make sure you keep moving so you can burn those calories!