How young is too young?

sm423 Posts: 210 Member
My son has always showed an interest in running. He even does run club at school. I don't think he does more then a mile at a time though. But he has gone on two mile runs (walk/jog) with me. So I'm wondering what age is too young for him to enter a 5k with me? I'm not a fast runner and would stay with him the whole time, going at his pace and stopping for walking breaks when he needed. But is 3.2 miles to much for a seven and a half year old?


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I have a friend and her 5 and 7 year olds ran in a 5K with us....and BEAT US BOTH!
  • sm423
    sm423 Posts: 210 Member
    I have a friend and her 5 and 7 year olds ran in a 5K with us....and BEAT US BOTH!

    Sometimes I feel like my son can outrun me too! ;)
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Oh, and, FWIW, I registered my girls to do this with me. It isn't timed, but looked so fun and a great way to get them excited about fitness:
  • sm423
    sm423 Posts: 210 Member
    Oh, and, FWIW, I registered my girls to do this with me. It isn't timed, but looked so fun and a great way to get them excited about fitness:

    Just looked it up. That looks really fun. Wish they were coming to Hawaii.
  • saraemily5
    saraemily5 Posts: 116 Member
    I've been beat by many kids.... Lol! I don't think 7 is too young as long as he likes it!