Ugh. Dealing with Binges.

I don't understand why this is suddenly an issue for me. I ENJOY eating healthy food. I love fruit, veggies, and fish and chicken; that's how I've always eaten. But every once in awhile-- take tonight-- I'll totally binge on foods that are healthy, but to the point that it's not (it's pretty much always nuts and dried fruits which are very caloric).

I always feel disgusting after I do, so I'm not sure why every two weeks or so I do it. I feel like it's totally derailing my progress and I hate myself for it.


  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    First, don't beat yourself up as tomorrow is another day! We all have lapses in judgment just hop right back to your eating plan! Perhaps try putting the dried fruit or nuts in individual baggies so you know to just have a pre-measured portion? Or maybe have some fresh fruit already cut up to go to instead as it fills you up much faster :) One more thing, nobody is PERFECT! I do know how you feel though as that is how I think also!!!!
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Yeah, I'm usually good about just not having it in the house period as that is one food I KNOW I can't have around. I'm visiting family, so it's here...I mean, it obviously could be so much worse-- it's not cake or cookies or whatever-- but it's still a TON of calories.
  • kristindesigner
    kristindesigner Posts: 15 Member
    Not to pull the chick card, but do you think it has anything to do with hormones? I've started monitoring all of that stuff for family planning, and there are definitely two major phases every month... perhaps your body feels like it needs crazy calories corresponding to hormone shifts?

    As you probably know, binging is often connected to your emotions, whether they be good or bad. Does anything in your life connect to the times you overeat?

    Lastly, I've read a lot of articles about the limits of willpower. If you're eating very healthy all the time, maybe overeating is an expression of your willpower tank running on empty.

    Just some ideas! I struggle with this, too. Interested to hear what others say. :)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I believe binge eating is overcompensating for the deprivation you've put yourself through during the time leading up to it. Our brains become conditioned to familiarity; so when you start changing things, it takes time for the brain to completely 'rewire' itself.

    I allow myself days where things get a little crazy. Then, I look at myself, pull out my goals, and get back on the train again. A binge here and there won't destroy all the work you've put in, so don't let them go to your head.

    If it really gets to you, just try to get a little extra activity in to balance it out. Remember, this is a numbers game. The idea is that you can eat pretty much as much as you want as long as you burn off the excess.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Not to pull the chick card, but do you think it has anything to do with hormones? I've started monitoring all of that stuff for family planning, and there are definitely two major phases every month... perhaps your body feels like it needs crazy calories corresponding to hormone shifts?

    As you probably know, binging is often connected to your emotions, whether they be good or bad. Does anything in your life connect to the times you overeat?

    Lastly, I've read a lot of articles about the limits of willpower. If you're eating very healthy all the time, maybe overeating is an expression of your willpower tank running on empty.

    Just some ideas! I struggle with this, too. Interested to hear what others say. :)

    Definitely not hormonally related-- I've never been one of those women whose hormones get out of whack on their period. I do agree that it is emotionally related, but I wish I could put my finger on exactly what that is.

    I feel so disgusting right now, which on the bright side will keep me from doing it again for at least awhile. And I have the week off so at least I have loads of time to get extra workouts it. Such a crappy mentality, but I'd rather work my *kitten* off for the rest of the week than beat myself up about all those extra calories. Sucks. I always regret when I do this yet can't stop in the process; I always justify it by "they're good fats, you need them." Yeah, not when it's 1000 calories worth.