Meal replacement shakes and diabetes

Anyone know of any meal replacement drinks etc. That are not really high on sugar?

Looking for different options,

Very grateful for any advice.


  • scm7mr
    scm7mr Posts: 14
    I used to use Maximuscle Promax Diet regularly and it worked really well. Unfortunately, I bought 3 of the same flavour and got bored with it but when using it regularly it was brilliant. Couple that with Thermobyl and I got down to the weight that I need to get back to now! :)
  • Not sure if there is a sam's near you but they sell some low carb protien shakes that actually taste pretty good. Premier Nutrition makes them and they have 5 grams of carbs. I'm SUPER picky about protien shakes and what I will drink and I liked them.
  • AlliO2
    AlliO2 Posts: 32 Member
    I haven't tried them, but I have seen those Glucerna shakes a lot. I am Type 1 and on an insulin pump and I can do Slim Fast ok without spikes as long as I bolus the correct amount of carbs for it.
  • Take a look at Isagenix. I have been using this meal replacement for some time, it taste good and fills me as long as I include a banana in the blender. The total calorie intake for my setup is around 360 per shake
    I use:
    -Isalean shake- Chocolate
    -Ionix supreme- vitamin
    -Isacleanse- daily cleanse
    1 a day for lunch does me well...
    The only problem with Isagenix is that you need to order via their website (and it's not cheap- about the same as eating lunch out). It is a marketing company with a pyramid type approach but the product has served me don't need to be a member or part of the marketing to buy. Which I am not part of.