Struggling and trying to stay focused...... its hard.

Hi people I need to vent so here I go,:explode:

Got through the holiday craziness and I ate alot, drank my fair share,:drinker: and gained about 5 pounds. At the moment Im having a hard time staying focused.:frown: I feel like I lost my footing somehow. Those pesky 5 pounds have warped my brain. :grumble: Im currently going through some emotional stuff nothing major just personal changes, steering my life in new directions, that sort of thing. Also, been going through a boredom phase were the daily grind is so monotonous it makes me want to pull out my hair (work,home, sleep, pay bills, repeat:yawn: ). Im not trying to act like Im the only one who goes through this its just what Im going through at the moment.

I am on the verge of saying f*&^% it and going on a binge but Im keeping myself in check and havent done it. Im counting my calories but going over almost daily. Im still exercising but my clothes dont fit as good and its bumming me out. Gaining that 5 pounds has really messed with my head hard and I feel like a failure. I know I may sound over dramatic but hey its how I feel.:sad:

The first three months I started this thing I was so focused and on point I felt like a warrior!!!! It was great! I was dropping weight weekly and I was so proud of myself it was killer then it all went to s#$%t what happend? Im trying to get back into that mindframe I was in when I started but Im stuggling right now. I cant even deal with scales right now and I refuse to step on one. Scales are not my friend right now. :devil:

I hate this I really hate this. Why cant losing weight just be streamlined and not have ten zillion bumps along the way. This sucks :(

Thanks for listening and dealing with my emoticon indulgence.


  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    aww... I feel your pain! I totally blew my calories out of the water yesterday.... so disgusted with myself.... but just remember tomorrow is a new day and YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Totally can relate :\ I don't think you sound over dramatic at all. Just remember these bumps along the way are going to make you appreciate the road traveled when you do get to where you want to go :) If it was easy no one would be overweight :\ But you can do it! You lost the weight to begin with right? Just remember that :) You did it once you can do it again. Show that 5 pounds who's boss! The power is inside of you, let that beast out :D hehe
  • harliquinnraver
    It's 5 pounds. You did it before and you can do it again. Take it one day at a time. Drink your water and carefully think about each choice before you make it. Going over calories might make you happy in the short term but certainly won't make you happy in the long run. Many people gained 10 pounds or more over the holidays. 5 is a much smaller number. Keep your cool, don't stress and those pounds will fly off in no time.

    I find that when I avoid the scale, I seem to think I can get away with eating anything and as much of anything as I would like because I don't have to step on the scale and see the consequences...and that only makes the problem worse.
  • loserforlife
    I like to leave myself messages on my exercise and food diary so when I am stuck and can go back and read what I told myself. I knowit sounds nuts and will not help you this time but it may help in the future. Sorry you are stuck