The Newbie

Hey there. Name is Jacob. I am from Indiana and just joined this site. My girlfriend and I are doing our best to lose some of this winter weight and then some. We are trying to get "water park fit" by the time summer rolls around. We have been dieting since the new year and have had some pretty decent success (down to 236 when starting at 246). Basically we run for 20 minutes a day and make recipes from the "17 Day Diet". This week has been pretty tough for me since I have a very active sweet tooth and yesterday (and today) I gave in and went a bit crazy and I am sure I will pay for it when I step on the scale tomorrow.

Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and give you all a heads up on whats going on and why I am here. I picked through some of the forums, seems like a great group of people. I know I will need a bit motivation and someone to tell me to suck it up and do it...and possibly someone to challenge me to do something (I get very stubborn when a challenge or competition is at hand).

Best of luck to everyone on their journeys to a better, healthier life!


  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    Good luck to you!
  • welcome:smile:
  • rd7701
    rd7701 Posts: 15 Member
    good luck to you too :)

    my favorite thing about this site (besides the calorie counting) is the people. Everyone seems to be so friendly and supportive. I love it.

    keep up the great work!