Just Dance 3 (wii game)


I played Just Dance 3 on the wii last night for 45 minutes and my Polar F7 tells me I burned 508cal, maximum hr 171 + min 151.

Can anyone tell me if this is accurate please.

P.S About me - 80.1kg - 177lb, 164cm - 5ft 4in

Many thanks :-)


  • Frenchy86
    bump :)
  • kcphilly
    Sounds about right to me with your avg HR and the amount of time of the activity.
  • Frenchy86

    I did sweat alot but i refused to believe a wii game could burn so much lool
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I've been playing this game for a week and I love it. I need to get an HRM, but for now I have been logging it as a Dance activity and keeping track of the minutes. Although, I'm sure it is more comparable to aerobics judging from the amount I sweat. Have fun!
  • sammyjowedeking
    if you do the sweat points part of the game, every 1 sweat point equals 4.2 calories
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    Incidentally, I did a google search on the best workouts on Wii, as I just got my system at Christmas and wanted to get a good workout for the winter. I found Just Dance 3 was rated #1, due to the fact that it burns calories and is fun. That's win-win for me. I have been getting up in the a.m. to dance for 30 minutes since it's too cold and dark to go for a morning dog walk (in Canada) this time of year. It's fun to start the day bopping around to upbeat tunes before work.
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I have heard of the 4.2 calculation for sweat points, but at that rate, I burned 1265 calories last night, and I have a hard time believing that number. I was running for years and didn't burn that much. I think once I get the HRM, I will have a more accurate number. :smile:
  • Frenchy86
    @kmcgaw I got a wii for xmas and it came with this game, I have never sweated so much with a game! Its soo much fun and really doesn't feel like exercise at all. Previously i was using mfp dance, general to log and letting mfp calculate calories burned for me but ever since using my hrm i realised the mfp calculator was underestimating almost like 200 cal less of the figures i record now. I was so shocked I had to ask if the figures sounded right :laugh:

    @sammyjowedeki Thanks for that! I'll try that just sweat mode and see if the sweat points and the hrm tally up :smile:
  • saj6
    saj6 Posts: 33 Member
    I've had just dance 3 for a week now and I love it!! Today I danced for 70 min and burned 534 calories according to my hrm so your calories burned sounds right to me :-)
    My problem now is that I want to go and buy just dance 2 and just dance summer dance party (which I don't think is available anymore darn it!) for more dancing options :-)) I burn more calories doing this than any other workout I do and I noticed I am smiling through the whole thing! lol I am really considering getting some extra songs from the Wii store to add to my game. does anyone know what songs are available to buy? I've googled it but can't find an answer. (my wii isn't hooked up to the internet because I don't want my kids going crazy with it! So it would be a special project to get the cable to hook it up)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Of all the workouts I've done the past couple of weeks (including Jillian Michaels 30DS Level 2 & weight lifting) the hardest workout I got was dancing for 30 minutes straight after doing 100 jumping jacks. I was sore for 2 days in my legs. It was by far the best cardio and bodyweight combined I've done yet. I'd get Just Dance 3 in a heartbeat. But this was free listening to some silly DeadMau5 song on Youtube.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    That is definitely in the ballpark for Just Dance 3! I love it!

    I'm 5' 5" and 135lbs. I'm a whole lot fitter than I used to be and I still burned 315 calories in 37 minutes doing Just Dance 3 just the other night! :D

    Note: I also have a Polar FT7 HRM :)
  • Frenchy86
    I think the key is finding an exercise thats fun and self motivating!

    @ JennieAL - The funny thing is I've done Insanity and burned 603cal in 45 minutes + done Just dance and burned 508cal - for the sake of 90 or so cal I'd rather do something I enjoy!

    @ saj6 - im def going to get Just Dance 2, its sooo worth it imo!! :)

    @ morkiemama - *high five* @ ur polar FT7 its the best thing I got to help with exercise + motivation
  • khawkin
    khawkin Posts: 39 Member

    I played Just Dance 3 on the wii last night for 45 minutes and my Polar F7 tells me I burned 508cal, maximum hr 171 + min 151.

    Can anyone tell me if this is accurate please.

    P.S About me - 80.1kg - 177lb, 164cm - 5ft 4in

    Many thanks :-)

    According to my heart rate monitor, I burn an average of 22.5 calories per song. I'm 5'3, 127 lbs
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    another great dancing game for the wii is Zumba 2. I love it because it has the belt you wear so you don't have to hold the controller. I have been doing it EVERy night for the last month. I love that I can customize a playlist of just the ones I want to do and can make it as long or short as I want. According to my HRM i burn an average of 800 calories for a 55 minute workout.
  • watsoncn1
    Just Dance Summer Party is available on gamestop.com. I dont know if you have one of the stores in your area, it not you can buy it online I think. I just bought Just Dance 3 and cant wait to try it!!
  • khawkin
    khawkin Posts: 39 Member
    another great dancing game for the wii is Zumba 2. I love it because it has the belt you wear so you don't have to hold the controller. I have been doing it EVERy night for the last month. I love that I can customize a playlist of just the ones I want to do and can make it as long or short as I want. According to my HRM i burn an average of 800 calories for a 55 minute workout.

    I will definitely check this out!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I weigh 175 and the seems a little too high to me. My frame of reference is that I burn ~ 125 calories for each mile I run. That would take me 4 miles to burn 500 calories. I guess it depends what you are putting into it, but I don't think I could close to burning that playing just dance 3 for 45 mins.

    I do have the game and I play it with my kids, I get a workout for sure, but nothing close to running.
  • kbrodzen
    I have the just dance summer party mix.. and there really isnt a whole lot of good songs on there... and theres only 23 songs to choose from .. i like the 1,2,3 just dances... good luck all!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I have Just Dance 2 which I just bought and I love it!!! I used to run and find I sweat just about as much doing this!! It's so much fun it doesn't feel like your exercising at all. I think if you are really trying hard to do the dancing and not just swinging your right arm around to the movements then you are getting a great workout. You can feel it in your abs and everything :-) The calories burned sound a little high to me, but I don't have a heart rate monitor so what the heck do I know ;-)
  • nsalemme
    This is what I found on a Google search that 4.2 sweat points = 1 calorie burned according to:


    My wife and I play the Just Dance games during the winter mostly and for about 1 hour each and I think the aforementioned formula is it's pretty accurate.