
Hi, new here, been on the site for about 5 days. I have to say this is an incredible inspiring site/community. So many friendly people in various stages of fitness. Good luck everyone!


  • Its quite astounding really! I have met a few people on the MFP on facebook too - people are really ready to support and talk. Its wonderful! x
  • Hi I'm new to the site also and find it amazing and so encouraging. I would like to know though is there a way to access a database of food without having to enter each food individually. I may not be having enough potassium for example and would like to look up foods that would give me more of this in my diet. (It's possible to browse the exercise database)
  • Ok I found it (I knew it would be there)...... Sort of obvious that it would be under Food...... as Database. Slowly finding my way around all the great info.