Ideas to up my calorie intake!



  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    I didn't look at what your eating but are you getting enough of the healthy fats into your diet? It never hurts to take a shot of olive oil or fax oil on a daily basis.
  • DestinationFitnessChick
    Well this is good enough research for me!

    People who skip breakfast are shown to choose less nutritious and convenience foods to curb their ravenous appetite. Poor eating habits lead to eating throughout the evening and calories are stored the evening hours as the metabolism slows down. Calories stored equals fat.

    That is sited in just about every artilce I have ever read........I've taken nutriton classes also and am also a personal trainer. Think of your body as a car........can your car run without neither can your body! I understand the surplus/negative calorie issue. But you have to eat in order for your body to function normally!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Always eat breakfast gets your metabolism going.

    This is a myth...
    Additionally, meal timing is irrelevant. Eating 1 meal per day or 6 meals it doesn't matter, overall you must eat at a deficit to lose weight..

    I did nutiriton at uni and the theory is correct.
    If you eat at regular intervals it raises your metabolic rate and keeps it more constant, rather than eating 3 big meals which means your metabolism will peak just after meal times and then plummet before the next. The best idea is to keep it constant, even if you're having half a banana every hour.


    You studied nutrition? well that settles that then.. except a little bit of research and...

    "One study that carefully demonstrated this, published in 2009 in The British Journal of Nutrition, involved groups of overweight men and women who were randomly assigned to very strict low-calorie diets and followed for eight weeks. Each subject consumed the same number of calories per day, but one group took in three meals a day and the other six.

    Both groups lost significant and equivalent amounts of weight. There was no difference between them in fat loss, appetite control or measurements of hormones that signal hunger and satiety. Other studies have had similar results."

    Citation: The British Journal of Nutrition November 30, 2009; 1-4.

    Oh give me a break "randomly assigned to very strict low-calorie diets" I doubt that there are many people on that, also you need a number of studies to prove/disprove a theory anyway it doesn't go on one and there are a million contributing factors to weight loss. Also, it doesnt say whether they were regularly burining calories through exercise, and it doesnt suggest whether or not they were able to keep the weight off. For it to be sustainable you cant just eat minimal calories, you need to change habits and lifestyle. Keeping your metabolism at a constant rate means that your body is able to adjust more to an intake of calories and your weight wont fluctuate.

    I cited several studies in my post, and there is plenty of material out there, if you did some research you will find that the whole 'you must eat all the time to keep your metabolism going' is actually false and that breakfast does not 'jump start' your metabolism. Anyway, I am tired of seeing this myth be repeated over and over again like it's truth, without a shred of real evidence.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Well this is good enough research for me!

    People who skip breakfast are shown to choose less nutritious and convenience foods to curb their ravenous appetite. Poor eating habits lead to eating throughout the evening and calories are stored the evening hours as the metabolism slows down. Calories stored equals fat.

    That is sited in just about every artilce I have ever read........I've taken nutriton classes also and am also a personal trainer. Think of your body as a car........can your car run without neither can your body! I understand the surplus/negative calorie issue. But you have to eat in order for your body to function normally!

    Skipping breakfast works fine for me. I don't overeat at lunch, I just eat a normal meal. I don't waste my calories on a meal I don't feel like eating and I would rather save them for something better. Some people will overeat at lunch if they skip breakfast, but that's because they probably aren't watching their calories, or just don't have the mindset to stop eating when they're no longer hungry. I go periods in a week where I don't eat until the evening. Different strokes etc. What I am saying is two people, one eating breakfast and one not eating breakfast, but eating the same number of calories a day, with the same metabolism, will show similar results.
  • DestinationFitnessChick
    Sorry but meal timing does matter..............just like I said before a car isn't going to run correctly on no fuel and neither is your I have research to back it up???? Yes I do ISSA says "eat at least 5 times a day Two or three meals are simply not enough. It is permissable to regard two of these meals as snacks, provided they contain sufficent calories toget you to your next meal and they are comprised of the appropriate ratio of macronutrients. You blood sugar and insulin levels will be controlled and thus your energy level. Yu will get protein in small aounts throughout the day to support growth and revoery and most important body fat will not be stored, but instead metabolized . Wen you eat infrequently your body recognizes a famine situation and your entire endocrine system is thrown for a loop."

    Therefore no when you don't eat and you don't fuel your body NOTHING works correctly......metabolism, brain, bodily functions.......nothing! You simply cannot just get up in the morning and not eat til evening and expect your body to run smoothly. If it works for you great........but it is not a safe and effective way to lose weight. I cringe to think about blood sugar levels of those that haven't eaten all day long. You can cite all the research you won't, but you will find just as much stating that you must fuel your body. I agree that there has to be deficit ..........all fine and good, but if you are not eating the correct amount of macronutrients (proteins, carbs, fats) then you are still not going to lose weight!!! How can you possibly get in your calorie requirments by eating one or two meals? This is especially dangerous if you are working out at all.

    Therefore, I could really care less if breakfast increases your metabolism. Whether it does or not...........BREAKFAST is important you must feed and fuel your body correctly! It puts fuel in your body to get the endocrine system running cuse it won't function without fuel! So therefore, the best way is to eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Stop hijacking the thread guys! this isn't a thread about the breakfast debate!

    But speaking of breakfast.. i do agree with a previous poster that eating breakfast is a good way for you to increase your caloric intake. That is what I did... I too often find myself stuffing my face in the evening to hit my goal and feeling ill so I started eating breakfast and larger lunches so I wouldn't have to try to eat 50+% of my calories at the end of the day.

    I am trying to gain weight so I am constantly looking for ways to increase my calories. However, peanut butter & cheese are a big thing for me which you cannot eat.
    I also do things like eat sandwiches on bagels instead of bread because they have more calories. And I try to drink a lot of my calories: juice, milk (you can do lactose-free milk), smoothies, etc with my meals

    feel free to add me if you like, maybe you will get some ideas from my diary
  • aquamarine_lady
    Nuts. Seeds. Peanut butter. Cliff Builder Bars.
  • TamaraGraceS
    TamaraGraceS Posts: 273 Member
    Are you al oud to drink at your desk ? If so protein drink.Mine is about 350 calories.
    well im not allowed to eat at my desk so i can have 5 meals a day if i go by eating something before and after work then on my 3 breaks