Anxiety/Possible Depression. Any help please?

Hey everyone

Lately I have starting to feel an overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety in my life. Not with weight loss and diet, but just in general. I have found myself on some nights not sleeping at all, and when I do manage to get some sleep it is never for a long time. Anxiety also comes from a lot of other things in my life as well (school, life, etc) and it has just taken over me that I am constantly on edge and stressed out.

I exercise, and while it does clear my head for maybe a couple of hours everything always ends up returning just as bad as how it was before exercising. I talked to my school advisor about how I constantly feel and she told me to see my counselor because she believes I might have an anxiety disorder. I made an appointment but that is two weeks away and I would really like some advice from you fellow MFPers. I feel like I have isolated myself from everything I've enjoyed in the past. Even yoga, my ultimate stress reliever and something I loved doing, I have abandoned because of my mood and anxiety.

Another reason I'm asking is because when I was put on my first prescription medication (non-mood related) it was the reason I gained so much weight, hair loss, and numerous other things and I would really prefer not being on another medication that will affect me trying to lose weight or cause me to gain any more weight or cause me distress. I would really like any advice on how you guys cope with such things or any natural stress relievers that you guys have done.

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your responses. :flowerforyou::heart:


  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    Hello! I can totally relate to what you are going through. I have generalized anxiety disorder plus mild clinical depression. I was on medication for this several times, but the side effects (including weight gain for me) were very bothersome. Plus I didn't want to become dependent on the meds forever. I think seeing your doctor is a great idea, but when you have to wait for that appointment it can be unbearable! Something that really helped me wasthe a book called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. The idea is to increase seratonin by exercising, eating a bit more protein, and trying vitamins and supplements. It was very practical information, and though I do not follow all of it, I did get a lot out if the book. I also find that deep breathing can be very beneficial (especially for sleep issues). I wish you the very best, and please feel free to add me as a friend or send a message my way anytime.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Hello! I can totally relate to what you are going through. I have generalized anxiety disorder plus mild clinical depression. I was on medication for this several times, but the side effects (including weight gain for me) were very bothersome. Plus I didn't want to become dependent on the meds forever. I think seeing your doctor is a great idea, but when you have to wait for that appointment it can be unbearable! Something that really helped me wasthe a book called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. The idea is to increase seratonin by exercising, eating a bit more protein, and trying vitamins and supplements. It was very practical information, and though I do not follow all of it, I did get a lot out if the book. I also find that deep breathing can be very beneficial (especially for sleep issues). I wish you the very best, and please feel free to add me as a friend or send a message my way anytime.

    Thanks, I just sent a sample of that book to my kindle to read a bit of it. I really don't want to be dependent on medications like that either, especially after I had to do a psychology product on mood and anxiety disorders and reading the side-effects of those medicines were awful.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey everyone

    Lately I have starting to feel an overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety in my life. Not with weight loss and diet, but just in general. I have found myself on some nights not sleeping at all, and when I do manage to get some sleep it is never for a long time. Anxiety also comes from a lot of other things in my life as well (school, life, etc) and it has just taken over me that I am constantly on edge and stressed out.

    I exercise, and while it does clear my head for maybe a couple of hours everything always ends up returning just as bad as how it was before exercising. I talked to my school advisor about how I constantly feel and she told me to see my counselor because she believes I might have an anxiety disorder. I made an appointment but that is two weeks away and I would really like some advice from you fellow MFPers. I feel like I have isolated myself from everything I've enjoyed in the past. Even yoga, my ultimate stress reliever and something I loved doing, I have abandoned because of my mood and anxiety.

    Another reason I'm asking is because when I was put on my first prescription medication (non-mood related) it was the reason I gained so much weight and I would really prefer not being on another medication that will affect me trying to lose weight or cause me to gain any more weight. I would really like any advice on how you guys cope with such things or any natural stress relievers that you guys have done.

    Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your responses. :flowerforyou:

    Hi hun.
    I can totally relate, this must be a very hard time for you.
    I used to have very bad clinical depression and anxiety and schizophrenia which I have lifted (mostly) with exercise....
    I still have my bad days but they are now rare. There IS hope. Keep exercising, maybe try increasing the intensity and see if it helps at all, if not a counsellor could be your best bet.

    Also, feel free to add me as a friend ... And try as hard as possible not to isolate yourself from EVERYONE i did and now i am (mostly) better i have hardly any friends left... <3
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I can relate.

    I would personally avoid the medication (unless it's the ultimate recourse) because if you do that you never fight what causes your anxiety in the first place and you are not solving any of the underlying problems, you're just getting rid of your anxiety artificially (with the drugs).

    Same as someone who would go to liposuction every month and keep eating an insane amount of food: it would be a bit pointless.

    My best tip here (and sorry if I cannot offer much) would be to call some friends (or perhaps meet new people) that enjoy doing the same activities as you. For example, find yourself a yoga buddy that can drag you out of bed, or even just go out and change your mind.

    Don't let this "mood" get the best of you, I am sure there are so many people out there that would like to have you around (people that you have met already or people who are waiting for someone like you)!
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Hi, I understand how you feel as i am the same. I worry so much and get in a right state and can't sleep, have a constant churning in my stomach and it is really awful. I am on medication for depression and meds are different for everyone. I have tried a couple and the one I am now has not given me any side effects. It's a personal choice whether to try meds or not but I would say don't dismiss them straight away out of fear as I did that a while ago and wished I had tried it sooner.

    Definitely go back to yoga as that is soo relaxing! I think you have to set yourself a small goal each week and work on that such as going back to yoga, going to bed earlier, spending more time on relaxtion, trying meditation, cutting down on a particular vice, whatever you think will help. Do this rather than thinking about everything in one go.

    I find reading helps me to relax at night - I read in bed before sleep although some people say you shouldn't read in bed and you should only sleep in bed. Depends what works for you but I find it relaxing. Also reading something light and funny as well nothing too serious. I like girlie books or biographies of celebs, athletes.

    Go to your Dr, try counselling, try different things and see what works for you. Everyone keeps telling me it gets better so we need to have faith that it does!!
    I started counselling last summer and have found it really helpful and is helping me to change my ways :)

    Good luck!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I can relate.

    I would personally avoid the medication (unless it's the ultimate recourse) because if you do that you never fight what causes your anxiety in the first place and you are not solving any of the underlying problems, you're just getting rid of your anxiety artificially (with the drugs).

    Same as someone who would go to liposuction every month and keep eating an insane amount of food: it would be a bit pointless.

    My best tip here (and sorry if I cannot offer much) would be to call some friends (or perhaps meet new people) that enjoy doing the same activities as you. For example, find yourself a yoga buddy that can drag you out of bed, or even just go out and change your mind.

    Don't let this "mood" get the best of you, I am sure there are so many people out there that would like to have you around (people that you have met already or people who are waiting for someone like you)!

    Thank you very much :flowerforyou:
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    I resisted meds for years. All it did was let my depression get to where I wasn't functioning well.

    I was self-destructing! And I finally had to hit bottom before something in me clicked and got some help.
    My bottom wasn't as bad as it may sound, but I did some things I am not proud of.

    The side effects of what I take now are very mild and I don't really notice them. I tried several meds before finding the one that worked for me.

    I don't think there is a stigma with these drugs antmore, since every other person seems to be on them. We live in a world that our brains were never suppose to live in. I just look at them as a tool.

    It took some time and being open and honest with a doctor, and it took several doctors to find one I really liked. In the end it was worth it.

    Find the path that works for you, but don't give up! There are many paths, therapy, meds, self-help, etc.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I resisted meds for years. All it did was let my depression get to where I wasn't functioning well.

    I was self-destructing! And I finally had to hit bottom before something in me clicked and got some help.
    My bottom wasn't as bad as it may sound, but I did some things I am not proud of.

    The side effects of what I take now are very mild and I don't really notice them. I tried several meds before finding the one that worked for me.

    I don't think there is a stigma with these drugs antmore, since every other person seems to be on them. We live in a world that our brains were never suppose to live in. I just look at them as a tool.

    It took some time and being open and honest with a doctor, and it took several doctors to find one I really liked. In the end it was worth it.

    Find the path that works for you, but don't give up! There are many paths, therapy, meds, self-help, etc.

    Thank you :) I will just have to make sure I do a lot of research when it comes to those things.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I am a survivor of PTSD , childhood sexual abuse and trauma, agorophobia and panic attacks. If it wasnt for the meds I take, I probably would be dead. Not a pity party for me anymore. I went through 2 1/2 years of therapy with my psychologist and psychiatrist. I still see my psychiatrist for medication control but I have not needed to see my therapist since October 2011 (when I started MFP). I still have unresolved issues but I am now able to deal with them. I've been on and off anti-depressants all my life. I know now that it is something I will probably be on the rest of my life. And that's OK, my brain is not wired right, LOL. But i feel so good now and have healed a lot of relationships. I've been on several different meds, some worked, some didnt. Now I am on the right combination and I take them religiously as I dont want to go back to the person I was before.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses so far. This has been something that I have been dealing with for many years, but I have always just shrugged it off thinking it was just hormones or something. But now that it has gotten worse I think that now is the time for me to talk to someone about it. :heart:
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I'm sorry, sometimes you just have to take the meds. Try every other recourse, it's true, but if all else fails, take medication. There is no need to suffer in silence (or maybe not so silent) because you want to be all-natural or medication-free. It only makes a martyr of yourself.

    Make sure that you continue to do all of your stress-relieving exercises (mental and physical) - even if they aren't working as well. Deep-breathing, visualization, meditation, etc. It sometimes is an issue of mind over matter, but the mind can be very strong. Feel free to add me, I've had much experience with depression and moods, in myself and others. :)

    Have a healthy journey!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    When melancholy invades my senses, I try to focus on my goals and why they are important.

    What must I do today to bring me closer to my goals. Also, I identify my challenges and have a plan of attack.
    Be a person of action - not reaction.

    All Is Possible:smile:
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I'm sorry, sometimes you just have to take the meds. Try every other recourse, it's true, but if all else fails, take medication. There is no need to suffer in silence (or maybe not so silent) because you want to be all-natural or medication-free. It only makes a martyr of yourself.

    Make sure that you continue to do all of your stress-relieving exercises (mental and physical) - even if they aren't working as well. Deep-breathing, visualization, meditation, etc. It sometimes is an issue of mind over matter, but the mind can be very strong. Feel free to add me, I've had much experience with depression and moods, in myself and others. :)

    Have a healthy journey!

    You're right. I should do what is best for me, and if medication is the best resource then I should do it to improve my quality of life.
  • resormar
    resormar Posts: 4 Member
    I know that there are no simple ways to just wake up one morning and feel like you have everything under control. Please listen to a old man (42) you can only do what you can do and so when life is firing at you from all angles just remember that you are hand crafted by a master maker that doesn't make any mistakes. I so wish I could say that life gets easier it doesn't but life is so much more full when you let yourself just enjoy it. Sorry for the cheesy type answers but I know in my life I kinda live by a motto that at first glance seems not to helpful but I am telling you when I embraced it my life got a lot more manageable. The motto is : "It is what it is" It helps me remember that I only control so much of my life and that other and other things way out of my control do the rest. I know this isn't much help but know that you are not alone in your feelings.

  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Hi. I have GAD. I recommend you see a doctor and not rely on a forum for help. It could be more serious than you think.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member

    Another reason I'm asking is because when I was put on my first prescription medication (non-mood related) it was the reason I gained so much weight, hair loss, and numerous other things and I would really prefer not being on another medication that will affect me trying to lose weight or cause me to gain any more weight or cause me distress. I would really like any advice on how you guys cope with such things or any natural stress relievers that you guys have done.

    There are lots of different meds out there. Mine has caused none of these.
  • runesofthyme
    I suffer from mild depression and bipolar 2 disorder (very recently diagnosed). Over the last several months I have been taking some spiritual classes and have found that the deep breathing and meditation really help. I have also taken some yoga classes and that helps as well. There are tons of DVDs for yoga and it's also a part of the Wii Fit if you have one.

    Good Luck!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Hi. I have GAD. I recommend you see a doctor and not rely on a forum for help. It could be more serious than you think.

    I made an appointment to see one. But it's two weeks away.
  • DEW54
    DEW54 Posts: 1
    Hi there, Wow tough time huh. I understand , I have been there. I am not a doctor but I have had the same symptoms and signs. It is a lonely place. Hard to share with others in your circle because of the fear of their reaction. But you know, if they are real friends they will help and support you and that is what you need right now.
    I am lucky. I have found a great doctor but it took me a year. I am now on medication, it maybe for the rest of my life but hey I am feeling happier and really starting to enjoy life and all I used to love doing. And I am starting to feel like me again. Here is a little about my journey and some other thoughts to ponder...

    Here is how my doctor explained it to me. Depression is not your fault! It is a chemical inbalance in your brain. Like thyroid problems result in a hormone inbalance. Or like when your pancreas does not work effieciently anymore and you may need insullin. So tell me...would you take medication for any of these other issues? Of course. So there is no reason that you should rule that option out! It may not be what you need, but talk to your doctor! It is a process sometimes too find the right medication and slowly find the right dosage. (I went from very low, angry and sad all the time, to sort of unfeeling and flat with the first dosage level, then feeling a little more like myself but sleeping a lot and still finding it tough to motivate myself, that was the second level. I have increased just a little more now and Wow, what a good feeling to see the old me again.!!! I now have the motivation to exercise and start eating better which also improves that feeling of wellbeing. A win-win!

    There was a famous sportscaster that said on TV one day when he shared about his depression, "Fight For Your Happiness!". I have never forgotten that. IT is a fight, but hey sweetie, it is worth it and ...YOU ARE WORTH IT!

    There is one other thing my Doctor told me that I know is important. Sometimes there is something in your life that is contributing to that level of depression. "If you don't change it, you will have a harder time winning the battle". IT will be a harder struggle if you don't change what that is. I had to make some major changes in my life which were at first hard to do, and sometimes take awhile to decide. But with the help of my medication to balance my brain chemistry, I was able to think more clearly, and able to make the necessary choices for me.

    Life is a gift. Fight for your happiness! You deserve it! Do what is necessary to make the life you want and keep digging til you find your old self down ther in the lowlands! Talking to someone, be it friend or counsellor or your doctor is always a big plus. Surround your self with a support system. You can do this! IT doesn't happen overnight, it is a journey - but the journey is towards a lighter happier you! What better destination!

    Take care.
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    I was told I suffered from depression and was put on citalopram. Cutting a long story short, I really suffered some nasty side effects as a result of those tablets which I should not have been put on. I was suffering stress as a result of a boss who was a bully, I wasnt depressed.

    So depression and stress are not the same thing and if I were you, I would stay well away from medications and I would stay well away from someone who will possibly look to put a "label" on you. I've spoken to a few people who tell me they are ADD and such like because they've been told they are by someone and they just pack in trying to be "normal" and they just own their label. Its funny how there are so many people with ADD nowadays.

    Anyways, I would strongly suggest that you look into the causes of your stress and deal with them. Are there things in your life that are getting to you? Do you have aspects of your life that you feel are out of control? Are you letting tasks or correspondence pile up ignored?

    Take a look at CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Theory) for a possible underlying cause of your emotions and get yoruself back into yoga. Its all to easy to - especially this time of year - give in to the desire to hibernate until the sun comes back. You might even be suffering from SAD due to lack of sunlight at this time of year and we've just come out of the most stressful time of the year.

    So, I would look at your life and figure out what is stressing you and deal with it. Its all too easy to let thigns build up, but you wil feel better for dealing with things. I'd then make a deliberate effort to get out the house and meet people and get some daylight. Exercise is a great stress releiver, as is a massage or going for a walk or listening to some nice music. You can also try hypnotism (my fiancee had amazing results from this).

    And for those advocating medication, I was put on AD's 17 years ago. I came off them after 2 years and have since had doctors tell me I'm depressed at various times. I told them I wasnt and that I was suffering from a natural response to the things that life sometimes throws at you. For instance when my best friend (previous fiancee) died of leukaemia I was devastated. I was very, very down and I was prescribed meds and told I was depressed. I told the doctor that I wasn't depressed I was instead very upset by the loss I'd suffered and it was natural and good to feel those emotions. I told them I would not take thier pills. I didnt and I coped. I have never taken AD's since I learnt the side effects they can and do cause (I had memory loss, violent mood swings, lack of interest in sex, inability to orgasm and others). I've coped. Yes, life has been tough at times, but life is tough at times. Sometimes I get really fed up, but I know that feeling will pass and it does. We just do not know enough about ADs nor the interactions they can and do have with the chemicals in the brain. I'd rather be down and me than a chemical zombie.

    However, each to their own. Some people with serious mental health problems do benefit from medication and are able to function in society which they otherwise would not be able to do. I dont think you sounds like you are suffering from serious mental health problems, but I cant tell much aside from what I gleaned from your posts.

    Try at least to sort yourself out first and take medications as a very last resort, which is what they should be.