HIIT...Train Like an Olympic Sprinter!

HIIT...Cardio with the recumbent bike! Wanna lose weight? Try some HIIT on for size :) This had always assisted in my quest for getting lean. The theory is increasing your heart rate in intervals. And the best part is you don't have to go for hours. Only aprox. 16 minutes will help shed the hard to peel areas.

High Intensity Interval Training. I do mine on the recumbant bike. I set it manually. I do 16 minutes...I set it at a very moderate level for 45 seconds then up the level(intensity) to an extremely difficult level for 10-15 seconds. I do this 16 times. Its proven that the frequency we spike our heart rates like this the more caloric burn we will achieve. Look at it from a sprinte/long distance runner point of view,..A long distance runner,..tho can run for miles and hours tends to have what looks like a depleted physique. As for the sprinter who trains in High Intensity Intervals Has a much more muscular tighter toned body. Hope this helps


  • demhareis
    I do something like this. (I call them Sprintervals.)

    I recently read a study by a University of New South Wales professor who tested HIIT (on a stationary bike) with obese women over the age of 40. His intensity cycle was 8s intense, 12s recovery. He discovered that 20 minutes three times a week yielded better results when it came to fat loss compared to 40 minutes three times a week steady cardio biking.

    It sounded interesting, and not too hard, so I'm giving it a try. It's too early to say for sure the effect on fat loss, but I have noticed a definite improvement in my O2 uptake rates.
  • ChristinaK42
    Thank you. That does help. It's more clear to me now...let''s see what happens.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    After reading the research and several articles on HIIT, I've decided to put it into my workout plan and drop my long distance running training for a while(I have a 1/2 marathon in Sept, but I have time to train for that later;-) ) I did my first workout today-1:30 leisurely pace and :30 as hard and fast as I possibly could. I'm sure people were looking at me like I was insane with my grunting, clinching my jaw(I know this is bad) and riding that recumbant bike like a maniac being chased by a lion. BUT--HOLY SMOKES! I got off the bike and was walking like a prancing pony in the parade. My legs were SOOOO freakin tired. Even after cool down and stretching and my drive home, I still feel like I have just done P90X for 1.5 HOURS. And I did it for 16 MINUTES! I'm doing this and heavy lifting for 8 weeks to see how I fare vs friends who are primarily doing cardio and watching their calories(I'm watching mine as well)