Remember,..Most your weight loss goals happens in the KItche

Thats Right! I see and hear it over and over again,.."Why cant I see my abs?" "I do hundreds and hundreds of situps and ab exercises a day!"

Are you this person? I was for the longest time until I got the help and advice I needed to set me straight.

First of all,..there are TWO things wrong in this approach. !st. Its nice to see you are a "Marathon Man" in the gym when it comes to abs. Your dripping in sweat and sometimes blood crunching out 100,200, maybe 300 crunches a session,..then immediately move to 100 hanging legs raises followed by 100 swiss ball iso crunches, do this FIVE times a week,..But you dont understand why you dont see your abs?? in fact you seem to be getting even more puffy around the midsection. I have two words for you....OVER TRAINING! Your abs are a muscle just like the rest of your body muscles. they need time to heal and recover. Would you go to the gym every day and train chest or arms? No. You need time to recover, your abs need time to recover. train them like any other muscle in your body and watch them tighten up and grow.

The other, probably MOST important factor in seeing a great six pac is NOT done in the gym,..but in the kitchen. You could train abs like a proffessional and be that person who can take a Sugar Ray Leanord punch like it was a kindegartner but youll never see that ridgid wall of steel you worked so hard at building if your food intake is off. I cant tell you how to properly diet for you but what I can tell you is get ahold of a good nutrition plan! Find your daily maintenance macro nutrient intake and work from there. A good rule of thumb for moderate overweight people is 1-2lbs/week for men and 1lb. for women. But I can tell you,..chances are you will never see that six pac of glory unless you get your act str8 in the kitchen.

Good Luck,..and watch the cheating...:)