How Accurate is the Wii Fit balance Board when Weighing??



  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member
    I have Wii Fit and it's on carpet and it's usually about 3+ lbs off. I weigh on it AFTER my workout and that usually makes it more accurate, but like you my scales aren't showing the same loss as the Wii board! So I get excited about what my Wii says and disgusted about what my scales tell me! lmao BUT I started going by my scales in the beginning before I got the Wii balance board so I stick to their weigh in always. HOPEFULL one day I'll be able to play on a hard floor and see what it says then! lol Good luck to you!
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Ok so today I jumped on both again and both were way off, Both said i had gained today and i know thats not correct just by my body lol. Will change batteries in both and do it again tomorrow. Sheesh
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    what ever you use the FIRST time continue to use each time...that is the key...consistency of weighins on the same unit each time...
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    Ok EVERY scale is different. I pick one scale to actually tell me how much weight I have lost which happeneds to be my Wii, however if I do weigh on other scales I do not freak out or anything if it tells me more or less or whatever have you. So, whatever scale you initially weighed yourself on that is what I would go with. To answer the main question about the Wii scale yes, I think it is accurate, things to remember about it though is that if you are weighing on carpet that it could throw off the readings. I prefer to drag my board onto a hard surface and weigh there. I think that is with any scale though really.....
  • wildmamatiger
    wildmamatiger Posts: 37 Member
    I concur with all of those saying to pick one and stick to it, but I wanted to comment that your weight will change around 2-4 lbs. at different points throughout the day so that may be affecting your answers as well.

    So....I'd not only pick one scale & stick with it, but pick a set time of day also.

    I may weigh at different times out of curiousity, but my "official" weigh ins have to be between 8 and 830 AM before any coffee or breakfast.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    My Wii Fit Balance Board was always accurate to my doctors office scale. Have you changed the batteries in it lately?

    Yes it has New Batteries because i just bought it last weekened. This was the 2nd time i weighed on it since i bought it. The 1st weigh was exact with my Digitial scale.

    Whats the best setting to have it on as far as clothes? I used -2 clothing setting.

    The best setting is to weigh naked and pick the 0. That is true weight.. no clothes

    Oh and in the morning after you potty..... I wouldnt weigh myself over and over again exspecially through out the day. Your weight can go up and down by many lbs during the day...
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I used the Wii fit in the beginning because I didn't have a scale. I was sad when I got the scale because I found out it was about 8 pounds off ... and not in the good direction. But the reason is that the Wii Fit is in the living room on carpeting, when I weighed myself on home scale on carpeting to test it was about 3 pounds off.

    As long as you keep using the same device then it will show your consistent weight loss...
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Thanks for all the replies and tips,

    I weighed on both my scale and Wii this morning and both had said that I had gained which I know can't be right :(

    I always weigh at 6:30am and always naked, I used both on hard floors and no carpet so im not sure what the issue is
    or difference. When weighing on the Wii I always select the - 2 for clothes so I will try it again tomorrow on the 0 settings
    and I am also going to buy some better batteries. Anyone recommend a good battery? I always use the cheapest kinds
    since they are so exspensive.

    There has got to be a reason for both saying 2 different things each day. Crazy
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Changed the batteries and they are still off so i will just stick with my scale :(
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    how do you choose 0 for clothing? I too weigh with no clothing. I have the original wii fit game though so I dont know if that option is on there.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    if you wear light clothes, say just an oversized tee shirt, you can put down O for the clothes settings. That's not going to affect the reading I tested clothes with my regular scale and it didn't even make a .10 pound difference. Also try to weigh yourself at the same time with the Wii just like a regular scale. And put it on the same spot on the floor everytime. I tested mine in different spots of the room and found up to a 3 pound difference. (this is with wood flooring)

    I still use my regular scale as my real weight. The Wii I just do cause basically it will start yelling at you if you don't do a body test for awhile. I do like being able to chart progress on there too. But for me the exercises are a lot more important than the scale part of it.

    lol! i get fed up of been nagged about taking the body test!.. I do it around once a fortnight or whenever I have seen a significiant loss on bathroom scales I will go on wii fit to check it shows the same 2 lb loss or whatever before I record it.

    I weigh with no clothes so when I wake up naturally early and I've been lighter on bathroom scales I'll go turn wii on, as mine is right in front of lounge window I make sure no-one about first (usually just have dressing gown on and strip it off quick just before it gets my weight!... then slip it back on again! (I do have blinds up, but not sure if you could see an outline from outside if i had light on etc) :blushing: :laugh:

    I find the quick weigh more accurate than the body test options to take off pounds for clothes.. what i find confusing is I got another game for xmas it weighs you automatically each time you try a game and I was loads heavier on that than I was on the wii fit game, even when I also redid that with no clothes on!
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    how do you choose 0 for clothing? I too weigh with no clothing. I have the original wii fit game though so I dont know if that option is on there.

    Yes i have the Wii Fit and I use the 0 for no clothes as i am weighing naked :)
  • brandonmccloskey
    brandonmccloskey Posts: 7 Member
    I weighed in at the moment I woke up. 0 clothes. Difference between bathroom and Wii Balance Board is 7 lbs (with the regular scale saying I weigh more).
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    After reading this last night I re weighed myself this morning on the 0.0kg option and it appears I have gained 1kg (2.2lbs) :( Although in reality I probably didn't lose that in the first place.
  • stebs1984
    One thing I haven't read in this thread is to make sure you have the leg extensions on your wii board if you use it on carpet...
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    Yup, the you need the leg extension things if you use it on carpet. My Wii Fit board is always about a pound heavier than my bathroom scale, but I generally eat something before I get on the Wii Fit. I use the scale to track my weight loss.
    Like others have said, consistency is key, so pick one and go with that. If you get into the habit of weighing and re-weighing with different scales and the Wii board, you're gonna drive yourself nuts. It would drive me nuts, anyway, and I don't have far to go! :laugh:
  • pinkwerewolf
    My board used to be very accurate, until I moved it to hardwood floors. Now it says I weigh 25 lbs more. Been on Atkins and just lost a lot a weight I know, because of my clothes fitting me so about frustrated. So all I can say is no, the wii fit is crazy.
  • tina9946
    tina9946 Posts: 1
    I recently joined SW and I have always used my wii board since I got it.. now according to the scales at SW im weighing 1st 5lb heavier on there ones then the wii scales .. so which one do I go by ..
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    i only ever use my wii scales. like everyone says pick one and be consistent. my regualr scale ran out of batteries and i just put them in the cupboard. The wii one doesnt allow me to weigh myself all the time cause i have to plug it into the tv and turn it all on so i think its better cause scales can mess with your head