xginanax Posts: 333 Member
Hi guys! :)

Just wondering what was your best date to being too and your worst? I would like to hear them. :)

for me it has to be the worst when i went out with this guy, at the end of the day i ended up paying for everything because he forgot his "wallet" ... yeah right then how did you get to town to meet up there.. lol

and best to a restaurant, then movies, then beach at night :) , ended up dating the guy for over 8 years! :)


  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Took a gal out that had just broken up with her BF. Picked her up at her house. Drove to dinner. She talked about him all the way there and all through dinner. We were supposed to go to a movie afterwards. We got in my car after dinner. She kept talking about her ex. Instead of driving to the movies, I drove straight back to her house and parked out front. She was so engrossed in her story about her ex, that she didn't realize at first. She finally realized as I was getting out and walking around to her side of the car. I opened the door, helped her out, and said "Go give your boyfriend a call." Got in my car and left.

    Valentine's Day. Wife told me to get dressed "nice". We were going out for Brunch (it was a Sunday). She came out of the bedroom dressed in a sexy red dress, just about the time the doorbell rang. I answered the door. Limo out front. Driver at the door. She had it all set up. We went out for Brunch at a very nice restaurant. Champagne. Very nice. Afterwards, we headed out of town to Multnomah Falls. Very cold, but we still took a walk. Holding hands. Stayed about 30 minutes then got back in the Limo. It was about a 45 minute drive back to Portland. She asked the driver to put the privacy panel up and reached in her purse and pulled out a camera. Handed it to me. AND started to strip !!! Had on beautiful red lingerie underneath. Not going to reveal the rest of the drive home. The funny thing, though, is when I came around the front of the limo and looked through the windshiled, I realized that the driver could see through the privacy panel. He got an eyeful.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My first date with my current BF wasn't necessarily BAD but awkward. We decided to go to a dive bar, since we both find those to be fun. Not even 10 mins after getting our first drink, some old, scrawny witch-like lady came to me holding a small hunting knife and asked if I could help her get the knot out of the drawstring on her skirt. I was a little freaked out and he was looking at me like, what the hell is this place??
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    Worst: A guy I had gone out with a few times wanted to spend the day with me. He didn't have a car, so I went to meet up with him. We were in the mall in the food court so he could get lunch. He turns to me, and says "I don't do it so much now since I'm back at my mom's house, but I like to dress up in women's clothing. I've even contemplated getting the surgery done because I feel as if I should have been born a girl." Now mind you, this happened in a public place, like we were talking about the weather or the Red Sox. I didn't know what else to do but laugh from dire shock. So then we proceeded to go shopping, and went to a bookstore where he called his best friend to come hang out with us. He walks away and finds me later - meanwhile I'm trying to keep breathing at the bombshell that was just dropped. We headed back so I could make dinner (I had planned an awesome dinner for us beforehand, love cooking and love to cook for others). Well, it did not end well so to speak. Brought him back to his place and left it at that. :noway: