Adding bread crumbs?

If I add planko bread crumbs to my tilapia or chicken, does that make it bad? I put on a light amount on, mainly to add calories to my meals because if I didn't, my calorie intake would be at 1,000. It adds about 150 calories. Is this bad or is this okay to do? I can't add more snacks or anything because I'm never hungry for them. I don't want my metabolism to slow from not enough calories. Thanks.


  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    No foods are 'bad' in my opinion. And there's no 'bad' way to cook something, as long as everything is in moderation. Want fried chicken - fry that sucker up (if you've got the calories, and especially if you need the calories!).

    Add some planko bread crumbs! I love those things.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I do the same thing sometimes (with chicken) and have been dropping weight no problem so I don't find it bad at all.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Do they fit into your macros? If so, then sure, no problem.

    I think people get too hung up on "good" or "bad" foods. As long as they fit into your macro goals then they are fine. Sure, some foods are going to be better suited for certain goals/training programs, but at the end of the day if they fit in your macro targets then go ahead.

    I use breadcrumbs all the time. Actually, I've recently switched over from breadcrumbs to oatmeal as it's less refined, but if you need more calories then eat more calories.